P. 106


                              After Rough Weather                      ALLIANZ SAFETY AND SHIPPING
                              •   Inspect all cleats, guides, and hydrau-  REVIEW 2022
                                 lic components for damage. If hydraulic  The international shipping industry carries around
                                 components have been damaged, do not  90% of world trade, so vessel safety is critical.
                                 attempt to open the covers. The emergency   During the early 1990s, the global fleet was los-
                                 opening procedure should be followed  ing 200+ vessels a year. Over the past four years,
                                 until the hydraulic components have been   these losses have dropped to around 50 to 75
                                 checked and tested.                   a year— a statistic made more impressive by the
                              •   Check hatch covers for buckling or distor-  fact that the global fleet today comprises an esti-
                                 tion.                                 mated 130,000 ships (exceeding 100 gross ton-
                              •   When opening the hatch covers, check for   nage) compared to some 80,000 30 years ago.
                                 uneven movement and any unusual noises   The sector continued its long-term positive
                                 that may indicate damage.             safety trend in 2021 with 54 reported total losses
                              •   Check all grease points and re-grease.  compared to 65 a year earlier. Over the past
                              The avoidance and prevention of injuries are  decade, annual shipping losses have declined
                              of paramount importance. Before working on a   by 57% (127 ships), while 2021 represents a sig-
                              hatch, a risk assessment should be completed   nificant improvement on the rolling 10-year loss
                              to identify all hazards. Control and safety pro-  average (89), reflecting the increased focus on
                              cedures should be examined and modified to   safety measures over time, such as regulation,
                              minimise hazards.                        improved ship design and technology and risk
                              Only the combination of proper inspection,   management advances.
                              correct and safe operation and regular mainte-  South China, Indochina, Indonesia, and the
                              nance of hatch covers will ensure that the goods   Philippines are the main global loss hotspot,
                              loaded onboard ships can be transported in line  accounting for one in-five losses (12), although
                              with best industry practices.            activity has declined year on year. The Arabian
                                                                       Gulf (9) saw a significant increase in loss activity
                                                                       and ranks second, ahead of the East Mediterra-
                                                                       nean and the Black Sea regions, which rank third
                                                                       (7). South East Asian waters have also been a
                                                                       major loss location in the past decade (225 out
                                                                       of 892), driven by factors such as high levels of
                                                                       local and international trade, congested ports,
                                                                       older fleets and extreme weather.
                                                                       Cargo vessels accounted for half of all vessels
                                                                       lost in 2021 (27). Foundering (sinking) was the
                                                                       leading cause of all losses across all vessel
                                                                       types during 2021, accounting for around 60%
                                                                       (or 32 vessels). Fire/explosion ranked second
                                                                       (15%/8), with machinery damage/failure third
                                                                       (11%/6). Extreme weather was reported as being
                                                                       a factor in at least 13 losses during 2021, while
                                                                       December and May were the most frequent
                                                                       months for losses, with seven each.
                                                                       Collectively, foundering (52%), getting wrecked/
                                                                       stranded (grounded) (18%), and fire/explosion
                                                                       (13%) were the top three causes of total losses
                                                                       over the past decade, accounting for more than
                                                                       80% of the 892 reported losses.
                                                                       While total losses declined over the past year,
                                                                       the number of reported shipping casualties or
                                                                       incidents increased. The British Isles saw the
                                                                       highest number of reported incidents (668 out
                                                                       of 3,000). Machinery damage/failure accounted
                                                                       for over one-in-three incidents globally (1,311).
                                                                       Fire/explosion (178) is the third top cause, after
                                                                       collision (222), with the number of fires increas-
                                                                       ing by almost 10% annually.

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