P. 150


                                                                               As there are no evident signs that the
                                                                              conflict between Russia and Ukraine
                                                                              will end soon, the tanker market has
                                                                              started to feel the impacts of the
                                                                              EU’s oil ban on Russia. After prohib-
                                                                              iting crude oil imports on 5 Decem-
                                                                              ber 2022, the EU halted refined oil
                                                                              imports on 5 February 2023, which
                                                                              means that Russian oil can no longer
                                                                              be carried by EU-owned vessels unless
                                                                              the oil product is sold at or below the
                                                                              agreed G7/EU price cap. It is notewor-
                                                                              thy that Russia is Europe’s largest oil
                                                                              product supplier. Europe’s reliance on
                                                                              Russia is demonstrated by the fact that
                                                                              Europe depends on Russia for 60% of
                                                                              its diesel imports, a dependence that
                                                                              rises to 70% for North-West Europe,
                                                                              whereas, in the Mediterranean, only 25
                                                                              % of diesel imports come from Russia.
                                                                              If the cap works similarly to the crude
                                                                              oil cap, global oil product flows will be
                                                                              reshuffled, Europe will try to find alter-
                                                                              native suppliers, and Russia must find
                                                                              new customers for its refineries pro-
                                                                              duction. Europe may turn to the US,
                                                                              Middle East, and India for oil products,
                                                                              adding tonne miles to the wet market,
                                           operated in the Baltic during winter.   thus reducing the supply of product
                                           As far as Ice-classed tankers are con-  vessels and strengthening the freight
                                           cerned, we witnessed an increased   rates. As for Russia, it may reduce its
                                           buying appetite for such vessels. In   refined product prices, as it has already
                                           2022, around 136 Ice-class tankers   done for crude oil, in an effort to find
                                           changed hands (accounting for 20% of   alternative customers.
                                           the total tankers sales), nearly twice
                                           the number of 2021’s Ice-class tanker
                                           sales.                                                                                    M/T NISSOS RHENIA
                                                                                                                                     318,744 dwt, BUILT 2019, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

          2022                                             2021
                                                                                                                                                                  Moving forward
          Vessel Type       Total Sales  Ice class  Percentage  Vessel Type  Total Sales  Ice class  Percentage
                                                                                                                                                                  with Confidence
          VLCC              77          0        0%        VLCC              87          0         0%

          SUEZMAX           60          10       17%       SUEZMAX           40          3         8%

          AFRAMAX/LR2       153         35       23%       AFRAMAX/LR2       126         13        10%

          PANAMAX/LR1       58          14       24%       PANAMAX/LR1       41          15        37%

                                                                                                                                                                Ethnarchou Makariou Av, & 2 D. Falireos Str.
          MR                260         52       20%       MR                174         23        13%                                                               18547 Neo Faliro, Piraeus, Greece
                                                                                                                                                          T: +30 210 4804200 | F: +30 210 4818210 | E:
          SMALL (<=10,000)  100         25       25%       SMALL (<=10,000)  69          18        26%

   145   146   147   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155