P. 153


                                                                                Which types and sizes of ships domi-
                                                                                nated the maritime transport that
                                                                                crossed the Mediterranean Sea, and
                                                                                which countries were their main des-
                                                                                tinations? How strongly are recent
                                                                                developments reflected in the global

                                                                                VOYAGES IN THE
                                                                                MEDITERRANEAN SEA
                                                                                According to MarineTraffic data pro-
                                                                                vided exclusively to Naftika Chronika, in
                                                                                the second half of 2022, 14,450 tanker,
                                                                                gas carrier, and bulk carrier crossings
                                                                                through the Strait of Gibraltar and the
                                                                                Bosphorus Strait were recorded. 66%
                                                                                (9,540) concerned ships crossing the
                                                                                Straits of Gibraltar, while 34% (4,910)
                                                                                ships crossing the Bosphorus Strait.
                                                                                For tankers and gas carriers the most
                                                                                important sea passage throughout the
                                                                                second half of 2022 was the Strait of
                                                                                Gibraltar, whereas for bulk carriers the
                                                                                Bosphorus Strait. Based on MarineTraf-
                                                                                fic data, in the second half of 2022, no
                                                                                LNG carriers crossed the Bosphorus
                                                                                Most of the activity in the Strait of
                                                                                Gibraltar involved tankers. 53% of the
                                                                                Gibraltar Strait crossings were tanker
 MARITIME TRAFFIC:                            Due to the dramatic changes in maritime   crossings, 5% were LNG carrier cross-
                                                                                ings, 4% were LPG carrier crossings, and
                                              traffic over the past year in the shadow
                                              of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the
                                                                                38% were bulk carrier crossings. On the
 THE IMPACT                                   shipping landscape has seen each of  other hand, 91% of ships crossing the
                                              the main types of oceangoing shipping
                                                                                Bosphorus Strait were bulk carriers,
                                                                                which is not surprising, given that the
                                              playing an important role. However,
 OF THE GEOPOLITICAL                          amid the ensuing energy and food crisis,   crisis in Eastern Europe caused signifi-
                                                                                cant disruptions to maritime traffic and
                                              LNG carriers, tankers and bulk carriers
                                                                                the transfer of goods from ports in the
                                              were the types of ships that were most
 CRISIS ON THE                                affected and made the headlines inter-  Black Sea was focused on food and fer-
                                                                                tilizer exports.
                                              As the second quarter of 2022 was a
                                                                                The above is also confirmed by the
 MEDITERRANEAN SEA                            period of adjustment to the new reality   sizes of bulk carriers that crossed the
                                              of maritime trade, shipping traffic in the
                                                                                Bosphorus Strait: 76% were Handysize
                                              second half is particularly interesting.  bulk carriers, and 12% were Handymax
                                              The three critical factors that shaped  bulk carriers, which means that only 12%
 by Manos Charitos                            the maritime freight map were the bar-  were medium-to-large and large-size
                                              rage of LNG carrier arrivals in Europe,   bulk carriers. In addition, the tankers
                                              the bulk carriers that left the Black Sea   that crossed the Bosphorus were also
                                              under the Ukrainian grain export agree-  small-size vessels. None of the tankers
                                              ment, and the transportation of Russian   was of over 60,000 dwt capacity.
                                              oil to the East.                  Clearly, a significant proportion of
                                              Amid the ongoing changes severely   smaller-size vessel activity is to be
 The Mediterranean Sea is one of the most important geographical regions for global mar-  impacting maritime trade - notably the   expected, given that small-size vessels
 itime trade as three critical sea passages are located within it, i.e. the Suez Canal,   embargo and caps on Russian oil and its   usually travel distances and make a
 the Bosphorus Strait and the Strait of Gibraltar. Thousands of different ships sail   derivatives - the next day for shipping   greater number of voyages than larger
 across its waters each year on their way to one of the hundreds of ports worldwide.  traffic appears turbulent.  vessels over the same period.

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