P. 146


                                           Chinese authorities are gradually  Furthermore, it seems that we approach
                                           easing restrictions on land sales, all  the end of the 2-year long Sino-Austra-
                                           acting in favour of the Chinese prop-  lian trade spat as Chinese utilities are
                                           erty market and therefore offering a  stepping up their purchases of Aus-
                                           bullish indication for dry bulk trade.  tralian coal, while the world’s second
                                           Moreover, in mid-February China  largest coal importer, India, invoked
                                           announced the construction of a new   in late February an emergency law to
                                           mega airport in Nantong area (a prom-  essentially force local utilities that run
                                           ising project said to handle circa 40  on imported coal to maximise electric-
                                           million passengers annually), which we   ity generation, with the aim to meet an
                                           feel sets the tone for robust infrastruc-  expected surged power demand this
                                           ture spending and forthcoming stim-  summer – both perceived as good news
                                           uli. Further, a new High-Speed Railway   for the dry bulk market.
                                           (HSR) connecting Shanghai with Anhui   Additionally, Brazilian soybean output
                                           province is currently under discussions   is forecast to reach the record 153 mil-
                                           by the National Development and   lion tonnes this year, out of which 91
                                           Reform Commission.                million tonnes are intended for export.
                                           Of course, these grandiose plans the   If realised, this will register a yearly
                                           Chinese officials often announce in   increase to the tune of 15% and will
                                           tandem with supportive policy mea-  therefore lend significant support to
                                           sures, tend to have a large time lag  the Panamax and Supramax bulkers
                                           between the announcement and the  that benefit markedly from the long-
                                           implementation and even larger delay  haul grain trade.
                                           for when these actually bear fruits on   However, expectations for Ukrainian
                                           the dry cargo market. They do, none-  grain shipments in 2023 are somewhat
                                           theless, offer a positive undertone on  bearish, as the ongoing war, aban-
                                           what to expect.                   doned fields, inflation and challenging
                                                                             logistics, make the case that this year’s
                                                                             grain harvest will be the lowest since
                                                                             the Ukrainian independence.
                                                                             That said, lately we have seen some
                                                                             concerted efforts for the grain cor-
                                                                             ridor deal (ending March 18th) to be
                                                                             extended for a year, which can bring
                                                                             some positive momentum to the agri-
                                                                             cultural market in the region.

                                                                             A balancing act
                                                                             All in all, a mixture of both positive
                                                                             and negative indicators carve out the
                                                                             current and projected state of the dry
                                                                             bulk freight market and make, once
                                                                             again, for a sweet and sour cocktail.
                                                                             Of course, this fascinating market is
                                                                             intertwined with the world’s destiny
                                                                             and the global geopolitical and eco-
                                                                             nomic progress.
                                                                             Given the widespread uncertainty which
                                                                             influences key metrics, how market
                                                                             players navigate next few months can
                                                                             prove to be a balancing act. However,
                                                                             we have reasonable hope that healthy
                                                                             profit margins  will be sustainable
                                                                             throughout the year, notwithstanding
                                                                             the unavoidably highly volatile ecosys-
                                                                             tem which we all operate in.

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