P. 143


 FID, as mentioned above. The above ele-  long term is the pressure that environ-
 ments combined point to a term charter   mental regulations will apply to market
 market that is not set to weaken but only   participants for fleet renewal and mod-
 strengthen going forward.  ernisation. Currently, older-generation
 One possible headwind quoted by some   Steam Turbine vessels make up roughly
 market participants is the impact of the   35% of the existing LNG conventional
 extensive demand destruction, which  carrier fleet, while TFDE vessels make
 occurred  mainly  in  Asian  importing  up 26%. Firstly, the EEXI, and toward the
 nations due to high LNG prices over   end of the decade, more heavily, the CII,
 the last 18 months. However, the real  will start impacting the trade of most of
 impact of this demand destruction is   these vessels and will therefore lead to
 yet to become fully transparent since   fresh orders to replace older tonnage,
 it has been difficult to discern to what  which will be forced to the market’s side-
 extent the muted Asian demand for LNG   lines. By the end of the decade, more
 this winter was owed to a mild winter  than 300 vessels will be over 20yrs of
 versus the possible mid-term demand   age, with almost a quarter of them being
 destruction itself. The counterargu-  more than 30yrs of age and, therefore,
 ment to this narrative is that the record   will have to be replaced by modern LNG
 amount of production coming on stream   carriers with a friendlier environmental
 in the next few years will lead to a nor-  footprint. These carriers, however, come
 malisation of LNG prices which will  with a price tag of $250mil+, and any
 once more stimulate its growth in the   new orders will not be delivered earlier
 energy mix of Asian countries. After all,   than 2027.
 Asia is expected to drive 70% of energy   2023 - a year in which less than 10
 demand growth over the next 20 years,   vessels remain under the control of
 and the US will be a major source of the   independent owners and thus open for
 natural gas that will eventually come to   term business - will undoubtedly see
 meet these increased needs. Reflective   exciting developments in the market
 of this outlook is the great number of  in the coming months. Other things to
 Sale and Purchase agreements signed   look out for are the long-awaited Final
 by Asian buyers with US projects over   Investment Decisions for a handful of
 the last 12 months, especially after the  US projects, the ongoing deliberations
 war. The new volumes under these con-  of market stakeholders on the CII reg-
 tracts are likely to travel long distances   ulation and its implementation rollout,
 into the Pacific basin, leading to longer   and the possible return of Chinese LNG
 tonne-miles and higher fleet utilisation   buyers as China hopefully gains momen-
 in the long term.  tum and returns to pre-Covid levels of
 Another bullish element over the mid-  industrial and commercial activity.

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