P. 67

the proper environmental procedures are   not used to manage unforeseen factors
                    followed, such as using a water curtain,   that may cause delays in repair times or
                    covering exposed areas after blasting,    increase costs
                    cleaning up and disposing of the used grid
                    before the vessel’s undocking.     How does increasing inflation affect a shipyard’s
                    Looking at just a fraction of the new envi-  negotiations with shipowners and suppliers?
                    ronmental regulations, it becomes obvi-   Historically, shipyards have always faced
                    ous that as they are enacted, repair costs   challenges during heavily inflated mar-
                    and the time spent on projects increase,   kets. On the one hand, shipyards have
                    resulting in unfair competition between   to manage continuously increasing costs.
                    the shipyards that implement them and     On the other, they have to manage the
                    those that do not.                        expectation of shipping companies for
                                                              stable prices with contracts agreed upon
            What are the most significant challenges regard-  much ahead of their vessel’s arrival at the
            ing a shipyard’s infrastructure? Does the increas-  yard.
            ing size of vessels make you consider develop-    That being the case, shipyards decide
            ing new infrastructure to accommodate larger      to raise their prices and thus maintain a
            vessels?                                          safe profit margin assuming that costs will
                    During the designing phase, shipyards     increase. Alternatively, they try to attract
                    always take into consideration new trends   shipping companies with lower prices and
                    and rising markets when deciding on the   manage the losses by undertaking addi-
                    type of infrastructure and the size of    tional regional projects. Large shipyard
                    drydocks. In general, even larger-sized   groups usually follow the first practice as
                    vessels have a wide range of options for   they can support higher prices. In contrast,
                    being repaired worldwide. Obviously, the   the second practice is often seen in small
                    larger the vessel, the fewer worldwide    second-tier yards that seize the opportu-
                    options it has to be repaired, even though   nity to attract opportunistic projects.
                    this is not considered a big challenge. In
                    the rare cases where a relatively large,
                    specialised vessel radically changes its
                    trading pattern, shipping companies have
                    to slightly increase the vessel’s deviation
                    from its trading area to have repairs car-
                    ried out. At the same time, shipyards must
                    adapt to and gain experience in the spe-
                    cialised work scope. Fortunately, this is a
                    fairly quick process.
                    We rarely see shipyards improving or
                    expanding their existing docking infra-
                    structure, which is a costly and time-con-
                    suming process, only seen in regions
                    where the overall demand for ship repairs
                    has increased substantially. It has recently
                    happened in Turkey and the Med region,
                    but it was due to general market needs
                    rather than individual business initiatives.

            What risk assessment techniques do you apply to
            ensure the smooth execution of ship repair work?
                    It is interesting to see to what extent risk                  24/7 Worldwide technical support
                    assessments and the related mitigation                                    on board Balancing
                    plans are used in the shipyard environ-
                    ment. To my understanding, they are
                    mainly implemented for safety reasons
                    only since most works carried out in a
                    yard have passed a risk assessment anal-
                    ysis to ensure their safe execution and are

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