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trary, the reduction of production by OPEC+ and   Towards the end of 2021, Blue World Technologies
                          the global economic recession may be the only  took over the production of all critical compo-
                          ‘’obstacles’’ for the excellent performance of the   nents for methanol fuel cells and is currently in
                          freight market.                            the production stage. Blue World Technologies
                          Source: Xclusiv Shipbrokers                is expected to continue upscaling production to
                                                                     reach a full-scale commercial production capacity
                          BILL GATES BACKS METHANOL AS A FUEL  of 50,000 fuel cell units within three years
                          FOR GLOBAL SHIPPING
                          Like other industry sectors, the shipping industry is  ELON MUSK ENTERS THE CRUISE MARKET
                          called upon to reduce its environmental footprint.   Royal Caribbean Cruises has announced a deal
                          Many initiatives have been taken in this direction.   with SpaceX’s Starlink to provide uninterrupted
                          Although there is an ongoing debate about who   internet access onboard its ships.
                          will bear the costs for greening shipping, ship-  The partnership aims to combat historically bad
                          yards, ship design firms, energy companies, clas-  internet connectivity during cruise voyages. The
                          sification societies, and shipping companies are  technology will be deployed across all Royal
                          stepping up their efforts to build commercially   Caribbean-owned cruise ships beginning immedi-
                          viable zero-emissions vessels.             ately, with installation scheduled to be completed
                          Several projects are underway that employ  early next year.
                          advanced technologies and alternative fuels in this   “This technology will provide game-changing inter-
                          context. Interest in methanol has been increasing,   net connectivity onboard our ships,” Royal Carib-
                          so it is no coincidence that Bill Gates, one of the   bean CEO Jason Liberty said in a press release.
                          wealthiest people in the world, has also invested   “It will improve and enable more high-bandwidth
                          in technology to support the switch. Danish startup   activities like video streaming and activities like
                          Blue World Technologies recently raised $37 mil-  video calls.”
                          lion from investors, including Breakthrough Energy   Starlink is an interconnected internet network
                          Ventures, backed by Bill Gates, to help it scale up  of thousands of satellites in low Earth orbit that
                          production of a new system that could power large   SpaceX envisions will deliver high-speed inter-
                          ships using methanol.                      net anywhere on the planet. The company has
                          Blue World has developed a high-temperature fuel   launched about 2,700 satellites to date.
                          cell that can take a mixture of gases directly from
                          the reformer — including small amounts of carbon  CHINA’S ECONOMIC MEASURES DRIVING
                          monoxide that would spoil a regular commercial  THE BULK CARRIER MARKET
                          cell. Blue World’s process produces only water and   China’s August iron ore imports fell 1.7% year on
                          carbon dioxide, which can then be compressed,  year. According to data from Oceanbolt, despite
                          stored, and recombined later with hydrogen to   the reduction, imported volumes reached their
                          produce more methanol.                     highest levels since January 2022, following a

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