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CAPABILITY                                                behalf, while maintaining its own technical team responsible
       International  Registries,  Inc.  and  its  affiliates  (IRI)  provide   for oversight of delegated functions, simplifying matters for
       administrative  and  technical  support  to  the  Republic  of  the    owners/operators.
       Marshall  Islands  (RMI)  Maritime  and  Corporate  Registries.   5)  The  RMI  remains  white  listed  with  the  Paris  and  Tokyo
       Recognizing the specialized needs of the shipping andfinancial   Memorandums  of  Understanding,  and  has  maintained  an
       services  industries  across  a  broad  commercial  and  economic   unprecedented  18  consecutive  years  of  QUALSHIP  21
       spectrum,  the  RMI  Registry  (the  “Registry”)  is  one  of  the    status with the United States Coast Guard. This prestigious
       leading registries in the world surpassing 192.7 million gross   port State control record is achieved through Registry’s pre-
       tons  at  the  end  of  August  2022.  As  of  30  June  2022,  the   registration  vetting  and  assessment  process,  continuous
       RMI fleet had 1,445 vessels weighing 60,569,640 gross tons    monitoring  of  the  fleet,  and  complimentary  technical
       that  were  managed  or  owned  by  a  Greek  company.  That  is    support to all RMI flagged vessels.
       27.8%  of  the  total  vessels  and  31.4%  of  the  total  gross
       tonnage of the RMI fleet.                               6)  The RMI maintains a permanent representative and active
                                                                 delegation at the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
       SUCCESS FACTORS                                           This delegation plays a role in shaping future regulations,
       1)  Employees with  professional  backgrounds  in  law,  finance,   allowing the RMI to proactively manage the implementation
          ship  management,  seafaring,  marine  engineering,  naval   of  new  requirements  and  provide  relevant  advice  to
          architecture,  port  State  administrations,  and  Classification   owners/operators and other industry stakeholders.
          Societies,  among  others,  are  resourced  based  on  their
          expertise, experience, and industry outreach.        7)  Vessel types include, but are not limited to: tank ships; liquid
                                                                 natural gas (LNG)/gas carriers; bulk carriers; container ships;
       2)  IRI’s  ISO  9001:2015  certification  ensures  consistency   offshore  drilling,  production,  and  service  units;  passenger
          among its network of 28 worldwide offices for registration   vessels; and yachts. The benefits of vessel registration under
          and ongoing technical and operational support.
                                                                 the  RMI  flag  do  not  stop  once  the  registration  process
       3)  Decentralized operations provide customers with 24 hour    is complete.
          worldwide service.
                                                               8)  The RMI fleet is the youngest and greenest quality fleet in
       4)  The  RMI  Maritime Administrator  (the  “Administrator”)  has    the world based on data published in Clarksons Research’s
          authorized the major Classification Societies to act on its    World Fleet Register.

                 International Registries, Inc.                                        
                 in affiliation with the Marshall Islands Maritime & Corporate Administrators
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