P. 30


                                           However, ship inspections were more  è   There has been much talk
                                           difficult during the pandemic as it was   recently about the impact of
                                           harder for our shore personnel to be     the Emission Trading Scheme
                                           physically present on vessels to inspect   on European shipping, par-
                                           them, audit their systems, and meet      ticularly on small and medi-
                                           the personnel onboard. Furthermore,      um-sized companies. What is
                                           as crew changes became more com-         your opinion about Brussels’
                                           plicated and crew repatriation more      legislative initiatives? What
                                           difficult, morale and motivation on the   will ultimately be the cost to
                                           ships were low, adversely affecting      European citizens?
                                           the quality of vessel maintenance. We   The world is changing due to climatic
                                           sought various ways to boost morale on   change, the world’s number one enemy.
                                           board, including free communications,   Everyone must do their part to save the
                                           photo contests, family benefits, supply-  environment, which also goes for ship-
                                           ing musical equipment, etc.       ping, even though it is the most effi-
                                           One must also consider that during the   cient mode of transport and produces
                                           pandemic, our shore personnel could   the least emissions compared to other
                                           not attend special surveys and dry-  means of transportation.
                                           dockings. Therefore, repair efficiency   Rightly, Brussels is setting up a shipping
                  The world is             was not at the desired level. Also as   taxation scheme to promote technolog-
                 changing due to           the production of some spares parts   ical progress that will eventually reduce
                climatic change,           was delayed there  were occasions  emissions. However, at the moment, such
                   the world’s             when critical components were unavail-  scheme would burden the European end
                number one enemy.          able.                             consumer. Its timing may not be ideal
                Everyone must do           Given the above, it goes without saying   given the current high energy costs and
               their part to save          that it became harder to maintain a   grains shortage.
                the environment,           high level of ship maintenance. How-
                 which also goes           ever, our company overcame the pan-  ë   The shipping industry has
               for shipping, even          demic’s difficulties and reached the     enthusiastically embraced
                though it is the           highest standards possible.              digitalisation. What are the
              most efficient mode                                                   opportunities and challenges
                of transport and           ç       Greek banks have increased       brought  by  digitalisation?
               produces the least                  their exposure to shipping       What is the role of the sea-
               emissions compared                  finance. Do  you think the       farer in this new reality?
                to other means of                  lending terms for shipping  Digital transformation is taking place
                 transportation.                   companies have improved?  everywhere, including shipping. Digital
                                                   What will be the impact of   charts have replaced paper charts and
                                                   inflation and rising interest   are much safer. These days, seafarers can
                                                   rates on shipping finance?  keep in touch with their families using
                                           Greek banks have started making their   mobile phones, usually at no cost.
                                           presence felt again in shipping, which   Most of our vessels have or are in the
                                           they have supported throughout the   process of installing monitoring systems
                                           years, especially during the shipping  that give full access to all information
                                           crisis  years, and Greek shipowners  and control systems onboard. High-defi-
                                           should be thankful for this support.   nition cameras on board send real-time
                                           Greek banks are now there to further   images to the office. Weather routing
                                           support shipping by offering competi-  systems enable crews to enhance their
                                           tive lending rates and terms. A crucial   vessels’ performance and avoid risks. The
                                           factor, however, is the rising US Dollar  possibilities are endless.
                                           interest rates (SOFR) that make ship  However, if the question is whether we
                                           finance more expensive, especially now   have reached the age of crewless ships,
                                           that acquisition prices are higher.  in my view, the answer is NO. Shipping
                                           We do business with Alpha Bank and   will first undergo a technological trans-
                                           are grateful for the high-quality service   formation related to emissions, and once
                                           we receive and the support they have   that is over, we can start looking at the
                                           extended to us over the years.    crewless ship.

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