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                                                                                months. Recently, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines
                                                                                ordered two dual-fuel LNG VLCCs from
                                                                                Dalian COSCO KHI Ship Engineering,
                                                                                with a delivery horizon between 2025
                                                                                and 2026. Until recently, the orderbook
                                                                                consisted of 39 VLCCs, of which nine-
                                                                                teen are scheduled for delivery this year
                                                                                and the rest in 2023 and 2024.
                                                                                The Xclusiv report analyses the factors
                                                                                that have kept shipowners away from
                                                                                ordering VLCCs. The shipbroking com-
                                                                                pany says that uncertainty regarding
                                                                                environmental regulations may explain
                                                                                the reduced demand for VLCC new-
                                                                                builds. At the same time, the signif-
                                                                                icant increase in steel prices means
                                                                                that building costs for these ships also
                                                                                went up. Indicatively, a VLCC is currently
                                                                                priced at $118 million, representing a
                                                                                28%, 36% and 15% increase compared
                                                                                to 2019, 2020 and 2021, respectively.
                                                                                The poor charter market for VLCCs over
                                                                                the past 19 months and unavailable
                                                                                shipyard slots have also affected orders.
                                                                                However, this trend seems to be chang-
                                                                                ing. The freight market is on an upward
                                                                                trend, and steel prices are dropping rel-
                                                                                ative to the very high levels of May 2021,
                                                                                giving wings to the order market. At the
                                                                                same time, Iran is seeking to increase
                                                                                oil production and exports, while Ven-
                                                                                ezuela is re-emerging as a potential
                                                                                supplier to Europe. The above, com-
                                                                                bined with the official EU embargo on
                                                                                Russia at the beginning of December,
                                                                                creates optimism for a further rise in
                                                                                the freight market, with analysts esti-
                                                                                mating that the spot market for VLCCs
                                                                                will approach $100,000. On the con-

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