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                          in freight rates. However, in the case of contain-  wind farm” from its neighbour Hornsea 1. With even
                          erships, whether port congestion continues or not   larger projects under construction in the North
                          will also play an essential role in this market’s  Sea, it is unlikely to keep this title for long.
                          performance.                               Efforts  to  find  alternative  energy  sources to
                                                                     replace Russian natural gas have intensified as
                          GLOOMY OUTLOOK FOR GRAIN SUPPLY            the energy crisis besets the planet. Offshore wind
                          Scorching temperatures and arid conditions during   projects take about five years from planning con-
                          the Northern hemisphere summer have been dry-  sent to full operation, so they are considered an
                          ing crops, and, at the same time, the food crisis   attractive method of energy production.
                          due to the war in Ukraine is intensifying.
                          In the US, recently released estimates from Pro  2021 PSC INSPECTIONS IN AUSTRALIA
                          Farmer regarding corn and soybean crops are 4%  IN NUMBERS
                          lower than the official government forecasts. Pro-  The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)
                          duction output is crucial, as it will determine grain   released its annual report on Port State Control
                          prices for the upcoming months. According to the   inspections in 2021, which includes some inter-
                          US Department of Agriculture, there will be a 5%   esting data.
                          decrease in corn production and a 2% increase in   In 2021, AMSA inspectors carried out 2,820 PSC
                          soybean production.                        inspections, a 6.65 per cent drop in the inspection
                          In China, the worst drought since the early 1960s   rate from 2020 (3,021 PSC inspections). The PSC
                          in central and southwestern areas and floods in   inspection results for 2021 saw a slight decrease
                          the northeast threaten the harvest of hundreds  in the detention rate of ships from 5.9 per cent
                          of million tons of grains. Rice harvests along the   in 2020 to 5.6 per cent (the peak in 2011 was 9.2
                          Yangtze River and the Sichuan basin, the regions   per cent). The most frequent reason for detentions
                          where half of the country’s rice is produced, have   was the incomplete implementation of the safety
                          been severely impacted. According to Chinese   management system, as defined by ISM.
                          commodities broker Yongan Futures Co., total corn   A total of 26,400 arrivals were recorded at Austra-
                          output is also estimated to drop by 4.5mn tons due   lian ports by 6,170 foreign-flagged ships in 2021.
                          to floods. The above losses will increase demand   The average age of vessels calling at these ports
                          for imports and push prices upwards. The country   was 11 years. Bulk carrier arrivals increased by
                          is now turning to the US for imports amid soaring   3.2% in 2021, to 14,814, while vehicle carrier arriv-
                          Brazil soybean prices.                     als increased by 19.6% and general cargo arrivals
                          India’s rice harvest picture is similar, with produc-  by 12%. Due to pandemic restrictions, cruise ship
                          tion expected to drop by 10% in the upcoming   arrivals fell significantly (from 536 in 2020 to just
                          harvest season. Ukraine’s grain is leaving its ports   34) last year.
                          smoothly – on 30 August, the country’s Ministry   AMSA emphasised that the quality of ships sailing
                          of Infrastructure announced that approximately  through Australian ports continues to be high as
                          1.5mn tons of grains had been exported from the   the average deficiency rate remained relatively
                          country’s ports. However, this does not seem to be   constant, increasing slightly from 2.1 deficiencies
                          improving grain prices.                    per inspection in 2020 to 2.2 deficiencies per
                          The European Commission projects this year’s crop   inspection in 2021.
                          at 59.3 million tonnes, which, if realised, would be   Regarding the distribution of vessels by registry
                          a 7-year low.                              inspected by AMSA last year, 22.1% (624) were
                          Source: Intermodal – Weekly Market Report (Week   Panamanian-flagged, 15.2% (429) Marshall Islands-
                          34)                                        flagged, 13.4% (378) Liberia-flagged, 12.7% (358)
                                                                     flew the Hong Kong flag and 8.4% (238) the Sin-
                          THE LARGEST WIND FARM IN THE WORLD  gapore flag. Of the vessels inspected, 42 were
                          BEGINS OPERATIONS                          Greek-flagged.
                          The Hornsea 2 wind farm, described as the larg-  Finally, iron ore and coal were Australia’s largest
                          est in the world, is now fully operational. Situ-  exports by value, followed by gas exports.
                          ated roughly 55 miles off the coast of Yorkshire,
                          England, Hornsea 2 can generate enough electric-  SHOCK DECISION BY TURKEY RATTLES
                          ity to power about 1.3 million homes.      THE WIDER REGION
                          A decade ago, renewables could meet just 11% of   The Turkish authorities made a sudden and unprec-
                          the UK’s energy needs. In 2021, this increased to   edented move affecting the smooth functioning of
                          40%, mainly due to the increase in power gener-  trade and, by extension, shipping.
                          ated from wind energy.                     Turkey’s excessive 400% increase imposed on
                          Hornsea 2 has taken the title of “world’s largest   ships crossing the Bosphorus as of 7 October

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