P. 29

Τhe Founder & CEO of Load Line Marine SA, expresses his view on the prospects of the
            dry bulk sector and explains his company’s growth strategy. Mr Souravlas also talks
            about the EU’s green shipping policies, the sector’s digitalisation, and the return of
            Greek banks to shipping finance.

                                 THERE IS A TWO-TIER

                                 MARKET IN THE


            George Souravlas,    Ö      How do you expect routes and cargoes   Due to the Ukrainian crisis, the world economy
            Founder & CEO               in the dry bulk sector to change due   will grow at a slower pace, and there will be a
            at Load Line Marine SA
                                        to the Ukrainian crisis? Do you think   contraction in some areas. Dry bulk shipping
            in a discussion with        smaller and medium-sized bulkers will   rates are closely correlated to global economic
            Giannis Theodoropoulos      benefit?                         growth. However, one must consider that for the
                                 Global grain consumption will remain unchanged   time being, natural gas will be replaced by coal,
                                 as grains fulfil a basic human need. So far, ships   a commodity carried mostly by larger bulkers, so
                                 have had to cover longer distances to com-  this may counterbalance the negative effect of
                                 pensate for the shortage of grain exports from   slower global economic growth.
                                 Ukraine. A case in point is the grain from South
                                 America, Australia, or even India carried to cover  â  Would you consider expanding your
                                 North Africa’s needs. In this case, medium-sized   fleet by  incorporating larger  bulk
                                 ships have benefited the most, as traders have   carriers?
                                 found them more attractive due to the economies   Load Line Marine SA, with a fleet of 9 Handy-
                                 of scale achieved over long distances.  size, 3 Supramax and an Ultramax bulk carrier,
                                 However, commercial corridors seem to be open-  specialises in the Handy to Ultramax size sec-
                                 ing, and grain cargoes are shyly flowing out of  tor. We have solid commercial relationships with
                                 Ukraine again. In this case, smaller and older  several charterers and have managed to build
                                 bulkers will be preferred as they need lower extra   a name and reputation in this field. The sectors
                                 war risk insurance.                     mentioned above have exhibited stability over
                                 That said, Ukrainian grain exports will decline as   the years and, in recent years, excellent returns.
                                 crops will be smaller compared to previous years.  However, this does not mean that expanding into
                                                                         larger sectors is out of the question. An expansion
                                 á      Which geographic areas do you think   in this direction may be of interest in the future.
                                        will play a crucial role in the short-term
                                        future of dry bulk carriers?     ã      Load Line Marine S A strongly empha-
                                 These days, there is a two-tier market in the Atlan-  sises excellence in ship inspections.
                                 tic. On the one hand, South America is very active   Given the increased demands of char-
                                 in grain exports, while on the other, grain cargoes   terers and port authorities, how can
                                 originating from the Continent/Baltic/Black Sea   a company continue to achieve this
                                 areas are limited. Looking at the areas that may   excellence?
                                 benefit from South America as a major grain sup-  Our company emphasises and takes pride in the
                                 plier is crucial.                       high level of maintenance of the fleet it man-
                                 Another area where we expect to see increased   ages. I am delighted to announce that two of
                                 activity is the US Gulf when the crops are ready for   our managed vessels have received USCG’s most
                                 shipment, which is usually in Q4. We may also see   prestigious award, the E-Zero designation. Our
                                 some trade coming from India after the monsoon   fleet of 13 bulk carriers has received 22 Qual-
                                 season is over and the export ban has been lifted.  ship21 awards over the years from the USCG.

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