P. 172

The latest developments on the energy front
        ENERGY                                                                                    &

         Edited by:
         Giannis Theodoropoulos

                          OPEC REVISES WORLD OIL DEMAND FOR          On the other hand, the International Energy
                          H2 DOWNWARDS – IEA BEGS TO DIFFER          Agency (IEA) forecasts that world oil demand will
                          In August, OPEC lowered its previous estimate for   be higher for the remainder of the year. Nonethe-
                          global oil demand growth in 2022 but still saw   less, it expects growth to slow from 5.1 mb/d in
                          a healthy growth of 3.1 mb/d, partly due to the   1Q22 to a marginal 40 kb/d by 4Q 2022. World
                          recently observed trend of burning more crude in   oil demand is now forecast to rise by 2.1 mb/d in
                          power generation.                          2022 to 99.7 mb/d and by a further 2.1 mb/d next
                          Total oil demand is expected to average around 100   year, when it will reach 101.8 mb/d, surpassing pre-
                          mb/d in 2022. The first half of this year was revised   Covid levels.
                          higher amid better-than-anticipated oil demand in
                          the main OECD consuming countries.         ENORMOUS NATURAL GAS DEPOSIT IN THE
                          However, oil demand in the second half of 2022  CRONOS FIELD OFF CYPRUS
                          was revised downwards due to ongoing geopo-  Italian hydrocarbons company Eni announced that
                          litical uncertainty and fears of a resurgence of   its joint venture with France’s TotalEnergies had
                          COVID-19 restrictions. For 2023, the global growth   discovered a 70 billion cubic metres natural gas
                          in oil demand forecast remains unchanged at 2.7   deposit included in the drilling license obtained
                          mb/d, with total demand averaging 102.7 mb/d. Oil   by the two companies. The gas deposit, named
                          demand in OECD countries is expected to grow by   Cronos, is 160 kilometres off the coast of Cyprus
                          0.6 mb/d and in non-OECD countries by 2.1 mb/d.   at a depth of 2,287 metres.
                          Oil demand in 2023 is expected to be driven by   Italian daily La Repubblica has reported that this
                          a still-solid economic performance in major con-  is an enormous natural gas deposit -one of the
                          suming countries, as well as improving geopolitical  largest in the world, as it points out - and that it
                          and COVID-19 conditions in all regions.    will take about a year before its exploitation can

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