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            begin. It adds that it will allow Italy and the whole   long term as Europe must meet its emissions targets.
            of Europe energy autonomy.                 On the other hand, it seems that German Chancellor
            La Repubblica has also reported that Israel has   Olaf Scholz is hoping for a helping hand from Nor-
            expressed interest in creating a natural gas pipe-  way. He described Norway as a “safe, democratic
            line that would pass through Cyprus and reach   and reliable partner” in supplying Germany and
            Greece and other EU countries.             Europe with energy. He called on the government
                                                       in Oslo to expand natural gas production to reduce
            NORWAY’S NATURAL GAS EXPORTS HIT A         dependence on Russia. For its part, Oslo countered
            RECORD HIGH                                that Norway “delivers as much gas as possible”.
            Norway’s natural gas exports reached a record-
            high $13.26 billion in July due to the soaring  IEA REVISES WORLD OIL SUPPLY
            demand and energy prices in Europe driven by  UPWARDS
            the disruption of Russian supplies.        The outlook for world oil supply has been revised
            Norway’s Statistics Office published data showing   upward, with more limited declines in Russian
            a quadrupling of gas export revenue compared to  supply than previously forecast. While Russia’s
            July 2021 and a 5.7% increase in export volumes.   exports of crude and oil products to Europe, the
            According to the Statistics Office statement, the   US, Japan, and South Korea have fallen by nearly
            high energy prices prevailing in the international   2.2 mb/d since the start of the war, the rerouting
            markets are the main reason for Norway’s excep-  of flows to India, China, Turkey and others, along
            tionally high export value.                with seasonally higher Russian domestic demand
            At the same time, analysts note that the Russian   has mitigated upstream losses.
            invasion has helped boost short-term demand for   By July, Russian oil production was only 310 kb/d
            Norwegian natural gas, which may decrease in the   below pre-war levels, while total oil exports were
                                                       down just 580 kb/d. The EU embargo on Russian
                                                       crude and product imports that comes into full
                                                       effect in February 2023 is expected to result in
                                                       further declines, as some 1 mb/d of products and
                                                       1.3 mb/d of crude would have to find new homes.
                                                       In a largely symbolic move, OPEC+ agreed in early
                                                       August to raise its supply target by just 100 kb/d
                                                       for September, significantly lower than the July
                                                       and August scheduled increases of 648 kb/d. The
                                                       group noted that “severely limited” spare capacity
                                                       should be used with “great caution in response
                                                       to severe supply disruptions”, suggesting that
                                                       substantial further OPEC+ output increases are
                                                       unlikely in the coming months.
                                                       Even so, increases in global inventories are now
                                                       projected at around 900 kb/d during the rest of
                                                       this year and 500 kb/d over the first half of 2023.
                                                       The release of additional emergency stocks through

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