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we experienced unexpected delays in production and   Yet another crucial consideration is having alterna-
            delivery, especially with electronic parts, leading to frus-  tive solutions in place in case a component becomes
            tration among some clients. We have since established   obsolete due to a vendor’s commercial decisions. At
            new channels to source parts and now keep them in   ERMA FIRST, we design our systems to avoid such
            stock. While occasional delays may still occur, they sel-  occurrences. Our experienced technical team identifies
            dom disrupt the system’s operability.        alternative components and certifies them in a timely
            Delivery time can also be affected by the location where   manner.
            spare parts are stored, which is why we have created   BWTS are relatively new in the industry, and although
            stocking points worldwide, reducing delivery time but   the learning curve was initially steep, it has now levelled
            also helping our local service teams access the most   out. Our technical team thoroughly investigates any inci-
            commonly required spare parts, wearables, and con-  dent affecting the operability of our systems, and upon
            sumables used during attendances. Aside from our cen-  completing a root-cause analysis, it plans and executes
            tral warehouse in Greece, we have established stocking   countermeasures to avoid a recurrence of the issue. We
            points in Shanghai, Busan, Singapore, Dubai, Istanbul,   regularly publish technical bulletins to keep vessel own-
            Rotterdam, Copenhagen, New York, Vancouver, and   ers and crew up to date while constantly reviewing our
            Panama.                                      designs to offer system upgrades as required.
            In addition to our stocking points, we are working on   We recognise feedback as the most crucial factor in
            providing clients with critical or recommended spare   helping us improve the support we offer. Thus, we
            parts to keep on board in order to facilitate the swift   regularly liaise with our clients in virtual or in-person
            resolution of issues commonly arising during operations.   meetings.
            With critical spare parts readily available on board the   Acknowledging the specific risks maritime stakehold-
            vessel, system restoration can usually be performed   ers face if systems become inoperable, we support our
            by the crew, eliminating the need to source and send   technologies with spares and services on a lifespan
            the required part to the vessel or, in particularly urgent   basis. After all, after-sales support is a powerful tool
            cases, have someone hand-deliver it. Recommended   for building strong customer relationships, promoting
            parts are typically ‘plug and play’ (PnP) or come with   loyalty, and differentiating our business from compet-
            simple instructions from our technical support team   itors. For this reason, while implementing an effective
            to help the crew carry out the installation without the   after-sales strategy can be challenging, we are always
            assistance of a service engineer.            ready to adopt new ideas and improve our services.
            We have further enhanced our customer service by
            establishing a 24/7 telephone technical support line,
            with a team of experts available to answer calls or emails
            around the clock. Thus, any urgent technical issue can
            be resolved swiftly. Live support also facilitates direct
            communication between technical representatives or
            vessel crew and our technical support engineers, mini-
            mising resolution time.
            Furthermore, we are in the process of developing a spare
            parts portal so that our clients can view our systems’
            major components along with the recommended and
            critical parts, as well as the maintenance and calibra-
            tion kits specific to the systems installed. The portal
            is expected to be launched in the second half of 2024.
            ERMA FIRST’s after-sales support goes beyond deal-
            ing with spare parts and service requests. Our holis-
            tic approach includes the provision of maintenance
            services aimed at assisting vessel crews in passing all
            necessary inspections by authorities, such as the PSC,
            USCG, AMSA, Class, Flag, Vetting, and RightShip, while
            maintaining the system in good working condition.
            Our maintenance schemes include the replacement of
            essential wearable parts to keep components in opti-
            mum condition, the execution of sensor calibration,
            and the upholding of crew training standards to ensure
            their readiness for potential inspections, all of which
            are included in ERMA FIRST’s Maintenance Services
            proposal to clients.

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