P. 166
Following complaints from MARTECMA members that many makers, especially of electronic
equipment, do not offer after-sales support for a reasonable period of time,
a representative of a leading electronic equipment and automation maker was invited
to MARTECMA’s monthly meeting to make a presentation and explain their company’s
During the presentation, it was pointed system that the maker has already been
out that the equipment manufactured supplying for a decade and is now being
and installed by the maker on newly changed or upgraded, rendering it obso-
built ships has a lifetime of 10-12 years. lete.
Beyond that time, the equipment is not The representative informed us that
usually supported, mainly due to a lack the amount of time before the maker
of spare parts (which are typically man- becomes aware of an impending
ufactured by the makers themselves, not upgrade is a few years! Of course, this
subcontractors). This fact, however, can- information is not disclosed, resulting
not and should not be accepted by ship- in the delivery of products that are soon
owners. The IMO’s Goal Based Stand- to be withdrawn.
ards regulation specifies that ships (bulk This situation is unacceptable and must
carriers and tankers) must be designed be addressed with relevant legislation.
and constructed for a specified design Systems installed on newbuildings must
life of no less than 25 years. Unfortu- be supported by their makers for at least
nately, the regulation only applies to ten years after a vessel's delivery, both
the ship’s structural parts and not to its in terms of availability of spare parts and
equipment. On top of that, classification with a sufficient number of specialists
societies do not have any relevant regu- and technicians. Until this becomes a
lations concerning equipment suppliers reality, I advocate a system wherein
or essential spare parts that should be shipowners and shipyards are promptly
provided to newbuildings. and transparently notified by the man-
However, this is not the only issue. In ufacturer of any upcoming upgrades or
reality, ship operators usually have a model changes. If the newer equipment
problem with support provision a lot is already in production, stakeholders
earlier than 10-12 years following the should be given the option to install it,
vessel’s delivery. In several cases, equip- even with an additional cost. Moreover,
ment or systems are not supported in any case, makers should proactively
by the makers even within one or two recommend spare parts that, in their
years post-delivery. This usually happens experience, break down more frequently,
by Panos Zachariadis when a ship is constructed during the so that shipowners can buy and keep
Technical Director of period of a model change by the maker. them in stock for future use since they
Atlantic Bulk Carriers Management Ltd
Essentially, the ship is equipped with a will soon be out of production.