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such as shortages of raw materials or raw mate-
                                                                         rials that fail our quality control, interruptions
                                                                         in the delivery chain due to geopolitical devel-
                                                                         opments, etc.
                                                                         Apart from mechanical and electronic parts
                                                                         support, our advanced products and solutions
                                                                         require advanced support from our side. Wärt-
                                                                         silä offers what we call our Life-cycle Agree-
                                                                         ments, which are tailor-made performance and
                                                                         maintenance agreements to meet customers’
                                                                         needs for  their vessels.  These agreements
                                                                         utilise artificial intelligence systems to proac-
                                                                         tively identify and highlight potential failures
                                                                         and early indications of equipment deteriora-
                                                                         tion that cause vessels to run less efficiently.
                                                                         These agreements can also provide remote and
                                                                         rapid 24/7 operational support when needed.
                                                                         The experts in the Wärtsilä Expertise Centres
                                                                         are available to support crews remotely when
                                                                         required, giving guidance, advice, recommen-
                                                                         dations, and tuning. Cyber-secure connectivity
                                                                         also makes it possible to collaborate remotely
                                                                         in real time.
                                                                         Getting the issues resolved quickly maximises
                                                                         the vessel’s uptime, ensuring smooth opera-
                                                                         tions. In this way, operators can ensure that
                                                                         maintenance costs are kept within budget.

                                                                         Crew Training
                                                                         Crew training is also crucial to our customers.
                                                                         Wärstilä’s Land and Sea Academy offers proper
                               port the engines for another 15 years, focusing   training to end users of our products. Moreover,
                               on routine maintenance parts while all spare   tailor-made training may be provided to cover
                               parts for major repairs are still available. In the   customers’ specific needs and boost crews’
                               event that other systems become obsolete, a   skills and knowledge. In addition, the modular
                               working group of experienced users may be   design of our products facilitates the learning
                               established to continue serving our classic   process and makes crews’ lives easier.
                               engines.                                  Ultimately, the importance of an after-sales
                               Throughout these three phases, customers are   service has many different aspects to consider.
                               notified well in advance through regular Tech-  For example, regardless of how Wärtsilä or any
                               nical Bulletins about the upcoming scarcity and   other OEM strives to continuously support its
                               obsolescence of parts.                    customers, engines or other products may face
                               So, for 50+ years, which is more than twice the   unscheduled downtime. One reason for this may
                               lifetime span of a vessel, our customers can rest   be the purchase of non-OEM parts. Although,
                               assured that they will have the support they   in some cases, these parts may be offered at a
                               need to keep their assets going.          reduced acquisition cost, they may ultimately
                                                                         end up costing the buyer more in the long term
                               Life-cycle Agreements                     due to premature wear or deterioration or due
                               It is also essential to recognise that modern   to non-compliance with emissions regulations.
                               engines are not just mechanical parts. In fact,   At the end of the day, it always takes two to
                               electronics and automation systems play a cru-  tango. Both parties - suppliers and customers
                               cial role in the functionality of an engine. For   - have an equal part to play in the responsibility
                               these parts, Wärtsilä works closely with suppli-  of keeping a vessel running in good condition.
                               ers; however, even though we take great care to   Investing in original OEM parts and services
                               keep producing them for as long as the engines   gives owners a better chance of prolonging the
                               are running, this is not always possible due to   lifetime of a vessel and ensuring the optimal
                               other factors beyond our sphere of influence,   performance of the said vessel.

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