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 EU steel demand to contract in 2023  expected to decline by 3.3 per cent from the previous
 All downside factors that materialised in the first   year. On the other hand, the forecast for world rice
 half of last year have persisted, continuing to impact   production was revised downward as lower-than-ex-
 the European steel market. In that respect, Eurofer   pected output in China more than offset upward
 expects apparent steel consumption to see a deep-  revisions for Bangladesh and several other countries.
 er-than-expected drop of -4.6% for 2022 (previously   As a result, global rice output is now predicted to
 set at -3.5%). The outlook for 2023 also remains   decline by 2.6 per cent from its all-time high in 2021.
 negative (-1.6%), paving the way for the fourth steel  Looking ahead to 2023, early indications point to
 demand recession in five years. Though subject to   likely area expansions for winter wheat cropping in
 high uncertainty, a modest recovery will be in sight in   the northern hemisphere, especially in the United
 2024 (+1.6%). Despite a more general resilience of the   States of America, driven mainly by elevated wheat
 EU economy, in the third quarter of 2022, apparent   prices. However, high fertiliser costs may affect appli-
 steel consumption reached its lowest level after the   cation rates with adverse implications for yields.
 pandemic.  Low domestic prices could result in a small cutback
 The consequences of high energy prices, the continu-  in wheat plantings in the Russian Federation, the
 ation of the war in Ukraine, and its related disruptions   world’s largest exporter. At the same time, severe
 are set to drag on and weigh more heavily in the first   war-induced impacts in Ukraine are estimated to
 half of 2023. That could lead to the second reces-  reduce winter wheat area plantings by 40 per cent.
 sion (-0.6%) in Steel Weighted Industrial Production   On the other hand, record plantings are forecast in
 (SWIP) since 2013, according to Eurofer. However, a   India, spurred by high market and support prices, and
 gradual recovery is expected in 2024 (+1.6%) if a pos-  relatively high plantings are projected in Pakistan as
 itive scenario is confirmed and confidence is back.  standing water from the 2022 floods is causing less
 hindrance than initially anticipated.
 GRAINS  Most of the 2023 coarse grain crops in the southern
 hemisphere have been sown. Brazil may post record
 Another record-breaking harvest for Brazil  maize plantings, while those in Argentina could
 Brazil is set for another record-breaking grain har-  decrease due to low soil moisture levels. Weather
 vest. As a result, the US Department of Agriculture   conditions augur well for maize yield prospects in
 maintains its corn planted area forecast at 22.5 mil-  South Africa.
 lion hectares for MY 2022/2023, and corn production   In its new brief, FAO predicts international trade in
 is forecast at 125.5 MMT for MY 2022/2023, up 8 per   cereals in 2022/23 to decline by 1.7 per cent from
 cent from the estimated 116 MMT for MY 2021/2022.   the previous year’s record level to 474 million tonnes.
 The US Department of Agriculture forecasts corn
 exports for MY 2022/2023 at 47 MMT, based on  SOYBEAN
 the continued interest in international markets. The
 forecast for rice planted area for MY 2022/2023 is   The latest forecasts on global production and
 reduced to 1.53 million hectares, based on the con-  trade
 tinued loss of profitability of rice crops in Brazil and   The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently
 high maintenance costs. For MY 2022/2023, milled   published its monthly “World Agricultural Supply
 rice production is forecast at 7.2 MMT of milled rice   and Demand Estimates” report for February. Global
 equivalent (MRE), a 1.4 per cent drop from 2021/2022.   2022/23 soybean supply and demand forecasts
 Brazil is expected to reach record wheat production.   include lower production, crush, and ending stocks.
 Wheat production for MY 2022/2023 is expected to   Global production is reduced by 5.0 million tons
 be 9.6 MMT.  to 383.0 million on lower crops for Argentina and
 Ukraine. Argentina’s crop is reduced by 4.5 million
 WHEAT  tons to 41.0 million on lower areas and dry weather
 conditions impacting yields. Ukraine’s crop is down
 Projections for record global outturn  0.4 million tons on lower reported area harvested.
 In its new Cereal Supply and Demand Brief, FAO   Global soybean exports are nearly unchanged, with
 raised its forecast for world cereal production in  lower exports for Argentina offset by higher ship-
 2022; however, global cereal supplies are still fore-  ments for Paraguay and Brazil.
 cast to tighten in 2022/23.  Soybean imports are increased for Argentina while
 Global cereal output in 2022 is now forecast at 2,765   down for the EU. EU imports are reduced on the pace
 million tonnes or 1.7 per cent below the 2021 out-  to date, and higher imports of rapeseed and sun-
 turn. Upward revisions for Australia and the Russian   flower seed. Pakistan’s imports are also down due to
 Federation now point to a record global output for   restrictions on import licenses of genetically engi-
 wheat in 2022, while total coarse grains production is   neered soybeans.

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