P. 167


 LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS (LNG)  Adding this to the results of the 2021 auction, 5
 domestic and 3 international users have reserved
 Strong interest in the Revithoussa Terminal  40 of the 45 available slots to unload a quantity
 DESFA’s auction process for the allocation of  of 32.5 TW in 2024. The reserved Gasification
 unloading slots and gasification capacity at the   Capacity for 2024 corresponds to 72% of the
 Revithoussa LNG Terminal for the 2023-2027   Maximum Gasification (regasification) potential of
 period has attracted strong interest from domes-  Revithoussa.
 tic and foreign users of the National Natural Gas   For 2025, 30 out of the 45 slots offered were
 System. The annual planning for 2023, 2024, 2025   reserved for unloading 25.5 TW by the 5 domestic
 and 2026 was finalised in January, while the rele-  and 1 foreign user who participated. The reserved
 vant process for 2027 was recently also completed.  Gasification Capacity for 2025 corresponds to
 For the year 2023, all 26 slots, corresponding to   55% of the Maximum Gasification Capacity of
 the unloading of a total quantity of 19TW, were  Revithoussa.
 reserved. Taking into account the slots auctioned   For the year 2026, 21 out of the 45 slots offered
 in 2021 for the year 2023, overall, 43 slots have   were reserved for unloading 16.5 TW by 3 domestic
 been reserved for unloading 36TW by 4 domestic   and 1 foreign user who took part in the process.
 and 3 foreign users. Therefore, the reserved Gas-  For the year 2027, in the auction completed at the
 ification Capacity for 2023 corresponds to 80%   end of January, 21 of the 45 slots offered, corre-
 of the Terminal’s Maximum Gasification Capacity   sponding to a total of 17 TW, were reserved by 1
 (regasification).  domestic and 1 foreign user.
 For the year 2024, 25 out of the 30 slots offered   The significant interest of users creates a favour-
 have been reserved for unloading a quantity of 17.5   able condition regarding the security of supply
 TW. A total of 9 users participated in the bidding   of Greece and the wider region, given the sub-
 process, of which 5 were domestic and 3 foreign.   stantial increase in exports to Bulgaria and the
 broader Southeastern Europe region that has been
 recorded in the past year.

 A tight market expected in 2023
 European gas prices have collapsed over the North-
 ern Hemisphere winter. Mild weather and weak
 industrial demand have ensured that gas storage
 has remained strong. “The region got through this
 winter comfortably, and prospects also look better
 for the 23/24 winter”, says ING.
 A well-supplied European market has meant that
 there have been some shifts in regional spreads.
 Most noticeable is the spread between TTF and
 Asian spot LNG. For the bulk of last year, TTF was
 trading at a premium to Asian LNG in order to pull
 in cargoes and make up for Russian supply losses.
 However, since mid-December, TTF is trading at a
 discount to Asia. This should support the redirecting
 of LNG cargoes towards Asia.
 Weaker Chinese demand through 2022 offered
 relief to Europe. Last year, China imported 87bcm
 of LNG, down 20% year-on-year and the weakest
 annual import volume since 2019. However, the
 relaxation of Covid measures and several support
 measures to help the domestic property sector
 could drive a recovery in demand this year. China
 also has a larger volume of contracts with fixed des-
 tination clauses this year (100bcm vs 88bcm last
 year, according to the IEA).
 Ultimately though, Chinese demand is a big uncer-
 tainty for the global LNG market. While an increase
 in demand is expected, it is difficult to gauge pre-
 cisely how much stronger it could be this year, notes

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