P. 159


 LPG Carrier arrivals at Med ports  Bulk Carriers arrivals at Med ports

 Up to 15k cbm  25k-50k  61k +       Up to 100k cbm               140k cbm+
 15k - 26k  50k-61k                  100k-140k cbm



 Algeria  Italy  Spain  Türkiye  Morocco  Greece  Türkiye  Spain  Italy  Egypt  Morocco Algeria  Greece

 The destination of LPG carriers with a   vided exclusively to Naftika Chronika,   time traffic in this region in the second   Bulk carriers
 capacity of 61,000 m3 and above were   the LNG carrier orderbook numbers 327   half of 2022 involved mostly smaller and   A significant portion of bulk carrier
 mainly Turkey and Morocco.  ships, the largest of which has a capac-  medium-sized tankers, with Handysizes,   activity in the Mediterranean involved
 ity of 267,000. Given that the global   MRs, and Aframaxes having the stron-  Türkiye and Spain. However, the wider
 Bulk Carriers  LNG carrier fleet numbers 671 vessels,   gest presence in the wider region.  region’s bulk carrier market, particularly
 Based on the MarineTraffic data, in the   the orderbook to fleet ratio is 49%.  The global Handysize fleet numbers  regarding smaller-size bulk carriers, is
 second half of 2022, there were 20,091   Furthermore, most newbuilds entering   around 2,500  vessels, hundreds of   related to the Black Sea and the export
 arrivals of Handysize, Handymax and  the global fleet will have a carrying   which sailed in the Mediterranean in  of Ukrainian and Russian goods.
 Panamax bulk carriers in Mediterra-  capacity equal to or exceeding 174,000   last year’s second half. According to   In this context, the Handysize and
 nean and French non-Mediterranean   cubic meters. The way the LNG carrier   VesselsValue, the Handysize petro-  Handymax sizes are of particular inter-
 ports. The bulk of the activity concerned   market is evolving shows that it is rap-  chemical tanker fleet consists of 226  est: their fleets are comprised of 2,317
 Handysizes, which accounted for 76% of   idly moving away from smaller or medi-  ships, while the orderbook of only nine.  and 440 vessels, respectively, while the
 total arrivals.  um-sized ships towards larger vessels,   Moving on to the sizes of greater inter-  former’s orderbook numbers 196 orders
 The top Mediterranean country in terms   or even the massive Q-Max, primarily   est, the hallmark size for carrying oil  and the latter’s 11. However, whether
 of bulk carrier arrivals was Türkiye, which   ordered by companies aiming to accom-  products are MR tankers, whose fleet  there will be increasing maritime activ-
 demonstrates the strong presence of  modate Qatar’s export needs.  numbers 2,300 vessels, while the order-  ity in the Mediterranean, using the ships
 bulk carriers in the Eastern Mediterra-  The next day for the LNG carrier   book numbers 118 orders. Also, the   passing through the Bosphorus Strait
 nean.  market promises to be interesting:   global Aframax   as a benchmark, remains doubtful, given
 With China heading into a summer of   The prevailing optimism about the   the unrelenting conflicts in Eastern
 THE FLEET, THE ORDERBOOK,   extreme weather, its demand for LNG   tanker freight market’s future is not only   Europe.
 AND THE SHORT-TERM OUTLOOK  is expected to be high. At the same   due to the low orderbook. The sanctions   In any case, if there is to be a recovery
 time, Europe remains “locked” in LNG   imposed on Russia, especially those on   in the bulk carrier charter market, which
 LNG carriers   imports, so a possible “rivalry” between   Russian oil and its derivatives, have   at the time of writing has been under
 The significant presence of LNG carriers   Europe and China over LNG cargoes   separated the energy market into two   pressure for several weeks, there needs
 in the Mediterranean was evident during   cannot be ruled out. It remains to be   camps: one that opts for Russian energy   to be increased activity in the econo-
 the previous year, with many of them   seen  whether supply in the global   goods due to their competitive costs   mies of Asia, especially those of India
 having the ports of European Union  market and the number of ships in the   and one that avoids them.  and China.
 countries as their destination. How-  LNG carrier fleet will be enough to pre-  Since Russian oil is subject to sanc-
 ever, Europe’s broader shift away from   vent another boom in energy prices.  tions and the tankers carrying it might
 Russia’s pipelines and gas has caused   face penalties, the “dark” tanker fleet is
 confusion in the energy market and a   Tankers  growing, reducing the available capac-
 significant appetite for new orders.   Focusing on the Mediterranean as our   ity of the fleet participating in the inter-
 According to VesselsValue’s data pro-  area of interest, it is evident that mari-  national market.

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