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From production to seaborne transport and consumption  dramatically changed the energy land-  rally due to China’s return to the mar-  Coal from the United States is helping
            scape by bringing coal back into the  kets, particularly the Australian coal   supply Europe following the EU’s ban
                                                                                on coal imports from Russia. US coal
            equation. This means Indonesia’s coal
 COMMODITIES  despite energy transition efforts. At the   EIA: US production to decline in 2023  IRON ORE-STEEL
                                                                                exports also fulfil demand in Asia.
            sales this year will increase significantly
                                              The US Energy Information Administra-
            same time, other parameters such as the
                                              tion (EIA) recently published its Febru-
            restart of the Chinese economy, the EU
            embargo on Russian energy goods and
                                                                                The restart of the Simandou project
                                              ary Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO)
            India’s limited domestic coal reserves  report that provides the US Energy  Guinea has announced the resumption of
            will theoretically also boost Indonesian   Information Administration’s (EIA) near-  works to develop Simandou, the world’s
            coal exports.                     term perspective on energy markets.   biggest untapped deposit of high-grade
                                              The EIA expects US coal production  iron ore, after The China Development
 Edited by:  Japan’s moves amid price rally and   to decline by 13% to 518 million short   Bank, the Export-Import Bank of China,
 Giannis Theodoropoulos  AN INSIGHT INTO SUPPLY AND DEMAND TRENDS  energy crisis  tons (MMst) in 2023, after increasing   and the Industrial and Commercial Bank
            Japan’s coal-fired power plants are  in both 2021 and 2022, with a further  of China also participated in these talks.
            taking measures to fight inflation and  5% decline to 494 MMst in 2024. Pri-  Rio Tinto Group, Winning Simandou Con-
            bolster energy security.          marily, it forecasts a 16% reduction in   sortium, and China Baowu Steel Group
            According to a Reuters report, Jap-  coal consumption by the electric power   agreed to restart infrastructure develop-
            anese power plants are switching to   sector in 2023, followed by flat con-  ment at the site in this month, Guinea’s
            lower-quality coal and widening their  sumption in 2024. That decline largely   military government said in a statement.
 DRY BULK   COAL  in 2022 reached 448.5 million tons, an   import sources.  Japanese officials   reflects almost 9.6 GW of coal-fired  Last year, the project went through hell
                                                                                and high water due to disagreements
            told Reuters that Japan, the world’s  capacity retirements in 2023, followed
 increase of 14.4% compared to 2021.
 CARGOES  Indonesia’s exports on the rise  The southeastern Asian country has   third-largest coal importer, is turning to   by another 2.8 GW closing in 2024.   between the government and other stake-
            supplies from Africa and South America
                                              The EIA notes that two other factors will
                                                                                holders over the government’s share of
 Indonesia’s decision in January 2022 to  significantly increased its exports since
 impose a temporary ban on coal exports   January 2022; if exports continue at   after cutting imports from Russia due  be the lower natural gas prices and the   the revenues and how the estimated $15
 to prevent power loss and blackouts after   this rate, it is bound to become the first   to sanctions.  19% increase in renewable generation   billion for the project would be financed.
 supplies at domestic power plants fell to   country to exceed 500 million tonnes   The galloping inflation has resulted in  over those two years. Consequently,   The restart of the project will give a boost
 critically low levels came as a bolt out  in coal exports in just one year. Accord-  power plants asking for an increase in   coal imports in EIA’s forecast decline  to China, which is looking to reduce its
 of the blue. Given that Indonesia is the   ing to Kpler’s cargo-tracking data, the   electricity prices from April or June, as   by 47% from 2022 to less than 4 MMst   dependence on Brazil and Australia for
 world’s top exporter of thermal coal, the   country exported 449 million tonnes of   the cost of importing coal is exception-  in 2024.  iron ore supplies. According to data from
 ban it imposed sent prices soaring and   coal in 2022, up 14.3% from 393 million   ally high. However, although coal prices   Steam coal exports will increase from   the International Steel Association, China
 caused unprecedented market volatility.   tonnes in 2021.   have fallen 39% so far this year, market   39 MMst in 2022 to 45 MMst in 2024   consumed 67% of iron ore shipped inter-
 Nevertheless, Indonesia’s coal exports   The Russian invasion of Ukraine has   circles are concerned about a renewed   due mainly to greater demand in Europe.   nationally in 2021.

                                                                                Fortescue’s dynamic entry into Gabon
                                                                                Australia’s Fortescue Metals Group has
                                                                                clinched a deal with the government of
                                                                                Gabon to extract iron ore from the Bel-
                                                                                inga deposit.
                                                                                Fortescue, the fourth-largest iron ore miner
                                                                                globally, is searching for high-grade iron
                                                                                ore to blend with its Australian product.
                                                                                The company is expected to start mining in
                                                                                Gabon in the second half of this year.
                                                                                As Fortescue’s Chief Operating Officer
                                                                                Dino Otranto said in an interview with
                                                                                Reuters, the Belinga deposit, which the
                                                                                company has been eyeing since 2018,
                                                                                could rival Guinea’s giant Simandou
                                                                                deposit for scale and quality.
                                                                                The produced iron ore will be transported
                                                                                via Gabon’s existing road and rail net-
                                                                                works to the Owendo Mineral Port, from
                                                                                where it will be shipped to international

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