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         WET BULK CARGOES                                             mainly due to reduced demand by road trans-                                     of an Israeli crude oil cargo had taken place   expected to rise by 500,000 to 1 bpd this year and
                                                                      port as vehicles become greener and use
                                                                                                                                                      at the company’s Karish field, the first time in
                                                                                                                                                                                                are likely to reach the record level of 11.8 million bpd.
                                                                      alternative forms of energy.                                                    Israeli oil & gas production history that hydro-  As Reuters reports, this estimate is based on the
                                                                      Under the “New Momentum” scenario, one of                                       carbon liquids will be exported to global mar-  recovery of fuel demand as the global economy,
                              CRUDE OIL                               three scenarios BP is considering, oil demand                                   kets.                                     followed by the Chinese economy, enters the
                                                                      would remain close to 100 million barrels per                                   Utilising the regionally unique liquids storage   post-pandemic era, and new Chinese oil refining
                              OPEC+: No change in output policy       day until the end of the decade before falling                                  and offloading capability of the FPSO “Ener-  facilities are starting operations.
                              The 47  Meeting of the Joint Ministerial Mon-  to 93 mb/d in 2035. Under the Accelerated                                gean Power”, the liquids are offloaded in a  The prospect of Chinese record imports is an addi-
                              itoring Committee (JMMC) of OPEC+ took  scenario, oil demand will be 91 mb/d in 2030                                    controlled manner and sold into various global   tional optimism factor for the oil market, which also
                              place via videoconference on Wednesday, 1  and decline to 80 mb/d in 2035. Finally, under                               markets. That creates a significantly differen-  expects to be supported by the OPEC+ group’s
                              February 2023.                          the Net Zero scenario, demand oil demand will                                   tiated income stream, fundamentally sepa-  production cuts and the ban on Russian crude from
                              The Committee reviewed the crude oil produc-  decrease to 70 mb/d in 2035.                                              rate from gas-derived revenues. The cargo has   international markets.
                              tion data for November and December 2022   According to Spencer Dale, BP’s chief econ-                                  been sold as part of a multi-cargo marketing  However, given China and Russia’s trade rela-
                              and noted the overall conformity for partici-  omist, the desire of countries to bolster their                          agreement with Vitol and was the first to reach   tions, a large part of Chinese imports is expected
                              pating OPEC and non-OPEC countries of the   energy security by reducing their dependency                                Europe from a new East Med energy source.  to come from Russia. The effect of this develop-
                              Declaration of Cooperation (DoC).       on imported energy and turning to domesti-                                                                                ment on the tanker market is positive since tank-
                              The Members of the JMMC reaffirmed their   cally produced energy suggests that the war                                  China to hit record imports in 2023       ers are exclusively engaged in the transportation
                              commitment to the DoC, which extends to the   in Ukraine is likely to accelerate the pace of                            The global economic outlook looks positive,   of Russian crude, and, therefore, the supply on
                              end of 2023 as agreed at the 33  OPEC and   the energy transition.                                                      especially regarding oil trade, as analysts esti-  the international market is reduced. At the same
                              non-OPEC Ministerial Meeting (ONOMM) on                                                                                 mate China will import a record amount of crude   time, the output of Chinese refineries is increasing,
                              5 October 2022. They urged all participating   Israel enters the exporters club                                         oil in 2023.                              strengthening tonne-miles, as a significant part of
                              countries to achieve full conformity and adhere   Energean confirmed that the first-ever lifting                        More specifically, China’s crude imports are   the refined products are exported.
                              to the compensation mechanism.
                              OPEC+ agreed in early October 2022 to
                              reduce production by 2 million barrels per day
                              from November and for 2023.

                              Forecast for rising demand
                              The International Energy Agency published its
                              Oil Market Report (OMR) in January. According
                              to estimates, global oil demand is set to rise
                              by 1.9 mb/d in 2023 to a record 101.7 mb/d, with
                              nearly half the gain from China following the
                              lifting of its Covid restrictions. Jet fuel remains
                              the largest source of growth, up 840 kb/d.
                              The IEA expects world oil supply growth in
                              2023 to slow to 1 mb/d following last year’s
                              OPEC+-led growth of 4.7 mb/d. An overall non-
                              OPEC+ rise of 1.9 mb/d will be tempered by
                              an OPEC+ drop of 870 kb/d due to expected
                              declines in Russia. The US ranks as the world’s
                              leading source of supply growth and, along
                              with Canada, Brazil, and Guyana, hits an annual
                              production record for a second straight year.

                              Demand to peak around 2030
                              Global oil demand is expected to peak from
                              the late 2020s to the early 2030s as Russia’s
                              invasion of Ukraine has accelerated clean
                              energy investment. Governments are looking
                              to boost energy security by increasing the
                              share of renewables in their countries’ energy
                              mix, BP emphasises in its Energy Outlook 2023
                              In its report, the energy giant notes that oil
                              demand will show signs of stability over the
                              next ten years or so before declining by 2050,

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