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                          ING, which expects that Chinese demand will not   Smith, Freeport LNG Founder, Chairman and CEO.
                          return to 2021 levels.                     “Over the past eight months, we implemented
                          The restart of the Freeport LNG plant (20bcm  enhancements to our processes, procedures, and
                          per year) could provide some relief to a tight LNG   training to ensure safe and reliable operations and
                          market, particularly if a stronger-than-expected   significantly increased staffing levels with exten-
                          Chinese demand is recorded. There appears to be   sive LNG and petrochemical operating experi-
                          some progress on the regulatory front for the plant’s   ence to reduce overtime, enhance operational
                          restart, but the market may have to wait a while   excellence, and improve quality assurance and
                          longer for exports to resume, according to ING.   business performance. Eight months of diligence,
                                                                     discipline and dedicated efforts by our teams
                          India’s ambitious goal                     working collaboratively alongside the regulatory
                          India is seeking long-term deals on LNG imports   agencies and local officials have positioned us to
                          in a bid to reduce the use of coal in its energy mix.  resume LNG production and commence ramp-up
                          According to a Bloomberg report, Petronet, the  to the safe establishment of commercial opera-
                          country’s top gas importer, is trying to secure   tions of our liquefaction facility.”
                          long-term deals for an additional 12 million tonnes
                          of LNG per annum. This figure corresponds to 2/3   China-Qatar mega-deal
                          of India’s total annual LNG imports.       China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) is about
                          New Delhi wants to increase the share of natural   to finalise a deal to buy LNG from the Qatari
                          gas in its energy mix from 6% to 15% by 2030  energy giant QatarEnergy over the next 30 years.
                          and considers long-term deals the safest way to   According to international press reports, the LNG
                          achieve this. In this context, Petronet is increasing   supplied to China by QatarEnergy will come from
                          its LNG supplies from Qatar by 1 million tons per   Qatar’s North Field expansion project, in which
                          year, notes Reuters.                       Qatar is looking to increase output.
                          India is expanding its gas distribution network   When sealed, this  will be the second deal
                          in cities, which will lead to higher demand. That   between Qatar and the world’s second-largest
                          demand will be met by increasing the capacity   LNG importer, as Beijing is trying to increase the
                          of LNG import terminals in ports by 53% in the   share of gas in its energy mix by reducing coal use.
                          coming years.                              It is noted that last November, QatarEnergy
                                                                     signed a 27-year deal to supply China’s Sinopec
                          Freeport LNG returns to service            with 4 million tons of LNG a year for the next 27
                          Freeport LNG recently announced that it had  years, the lengthiest LNG agreement that Qatar
                          received regulatory approval to commence com-  has signed to date.
                          mercial operations of its natural gas liquefaction
                          and export facility. The authorisation provides for   China’s appetite a risk for the energy market?
                          the immediate return to full service of one liq-  As China’s LNG demand rebounds, the coun-
                          uefaction train, which has already restarted, and   try is seeking to increase its LNG imports from
                          the incremental restart and return of a second   June 2023 to June 2024, causing worldwide con-
                          train to full service. The restart and return of   cerns over the market’s delicate equilibrium. A
                          Freeport LNG’s third liquefaction train to ser-  Bloomberg report focuses on the possibility of a
                          vice will require subsequent regulatory approval   price game between Asia and Europe as the two
                          once certain operational conditions are met. A  continents compete for LNG supplies.
                          conservative ramp-up profile to establish three-  Beijing aims to revive the Chinese economy as
                          train production of approximately 2.0 billion cubic   it enters a period when its zero-tolerance policy
                          feet per day is anticipated over the next several  against the pandemic is a thing of the past. Thus,
                          weeks as stable operation of each incremental   analysts and market circles predict increased
                          train is established and maintained. Operations   LNG imports by China, the world’s largest fossil
                          are initially utilising two of Freeport LNG’s three   fuel importer.
                          LNG storage tanks and one of its two LNG berths.   In this context, the LNG market is walking a tight-
                          The second LNG berth and third LNG storage  rope. Europe, having replaced its dependence on
                          tank are expected to return to service in May.  Russian natural gas with a reliance on LNG car-
                          First LNG production and ship loading from the  goes, depends on sea transport to meet its needs.
                          facility began on February 11.             However, the market’s current shortfall in supply
                          “Returning to liquefaction operations is a signifi-  versus demand makes a significant increase in
                          cant achievement for Freeport LNG,” said Michael   LNG prices within the year seem highly probable.

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