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         The type of ships on which the top 15 concentrate

         South Korean groups                                Chinese groups
         South Korea has strategically invested in becoming a top   Chinese shipyards, like the Japanese, focus mainly on build-
         choice for high-end newbuildings like tankers and LNG carri-  ing bulk carriers. Of the 741 ships built for the Piraeus/Ath-
         ers. 863 (or 74%) of the 1,166 fleet tankers built by the top 15   ens-managed fleet by the three Chinese groups listed among
         were constructed by South Korean groups. The corresponding   the top 15, 70% are bulk carriers.
         figure for LNG carriers is 132 (or 96%).           The Chinese groups have also played a significant role in
         However, South Korean shipyards also have an extensive  constructing the fleet’s containerships, as 30% of these were
         shipbuilding portfolio and are highly active in the construc-  built by Chinese groups.
         tion of bulk carriers and containerships. On average, tanker
         construction makes up 51% of the shipbuilding portfolio of   The age profile of ships
         the South Korean groups included in the top 15.    The age distribution of the ships built by the top 15 does not
                                                            differ significantly from that of other ships in the Piraeus/
         Japanese groups                                    Athens-based fleet.
         Japan has traditionally been closely connected with the   More specifically, 13% of the fleet is up to five years old,
         investment ventures of Piraeus-based shipping companies.   while the respective percentage for the fleet’s ships built by
         Even during Japan’s first forays into the shipbuilding arena,   the 15 top reaches 15%. 25% of the fleet is between six and
         many companies invested in the opportunities offered by   ten years old, whereas the respective percentage for those
         Japanese shipyards and their prospects as flagship ship-  constructed by the top 15 is 27%.
         builders. Japan has developed a competitive advantage in   The age distribution of the ships built by the top 15 groups
         building bulk carriers, maintained to this day, despite the rise   per country is of greater interest. Of the vessels constructed
         of Chinese shipyards, particularly in smaller bulk carriers,   by Chinese groups, 51% are up to 10 years old. The corre-
         which, due to their need for commercial flexibility, constitute   sponding percentage for those built by all the top 15 groups
         a more complex shipbuilding undertaking.           is 42%, while for the total Piraeus/Athens-based fleet, it is
         Japanese groups have built 49% of the bulk carriers con-  38%. These figures reflect the rise of Chinese shipbuilding
         structed by the top 15, reflecting investor preferences. Unlike   groups over the past ten years.
         the South Korean groups, the Japanese focus almost exclu-  In contrast, 32% of the ships built by Japanese groups within
         sively on bulk carriers. 79% of all vessels built by the Japa-  the top 15 are up to ten years old, while the corresponding
         nese shipbuilding groups listed among the top 15 are bulk   percentage for the ships built by the top 15 is 42%. This indi-
         carriers. Tankers also play an important role in their ship-  cates the declining competitiveness of Japanese shipyards
         building portfolio, accounting for 18% of their total portfolio.  as a shipbuilding choice.

         Figure 3: Distribution of ships built by the top 15 shipbuilding groups by country and ship age

               South Korean
         Shipbuilding Groups   17%               27%                       35%                    17%

         Shipbuilding Groups  9%         23%                    35%                       26%           5%

         Shipbuilding Groups   18%                    33%                         36%                10%

            Fleet of 15 Top
         Shipbuilding Groups   15%               27%                       35%                  18%

               Whole Fleet
                               13%             25%                        37%                  17%     5%

                                 Age 0-5     Age 6-10    Age 11-15    Age 16-20     Age 21-25    Age 26+
                                                     * Does not include percentages under 5%

   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77