P. 71

Six of the shipbuilding groups in Figure 1 are based in South   Figure 2: Distribution of ships built by the
             Korea, three in China, and the remaining six in Japan. At this   top 15 shipbuilding groups by group country
             point, it should be mentioned that several of these groups’
             shipyards also have facilities in other countries. The South
             Korean shipbuilding groups HD Hyundai, Samsung Heavy
             Industries, and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering,
             which have built 73 of the fleet’s ships outside South Korea,
             are typical examples. Furthermore, the Japanese group Tsu-
             neishi has constructed 102 ships in its facilities outside Japan,
             in the Philippines and China, to be specific.
             South Korean shipyards are the Piraeus-managed fleet’s
             first choice, with almost half of its ships built in the top 15
             groups’ shipyards (48% - 1,701 out of 3,560) coming from the
             facilities of South Korean groups. In second place is Japan,
             with a corresponding percentage of 31%, and in third place
             is China with 21%.

             Relating to specific shipbuilding groups, HD Hyundai indis-
             putably holds first place. The said shipbuilding group has
             built 810 of the Piraeus/Athens-managed fleet’s ships. There-
             fore, of the 3,560 ships built by the top 15, HD Hyundai
             accounts for 23% - almost one in four ships.
             As regards the capacity of ships built by the top 15, it is worth
             noting that the shipyards of the South Korea-based groups   China     Japanese         South Korean
             have constructed 54% of the total capacity.            Shipbuilding   Shipbuilding     Shipbuilding
                                                                    Group 21%      Groups 31%       Groups 48%




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