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                          2022 creates huge management problems for  “We expect the immediate reopening of the
                          ships under charter or agreed to be chartered,   Elefsina Shipyards, as it is an important industry
                          especially shortsea shipping ships carrying out   located in Elefsina Port Authority SA’s jurisdiction,
                          frequent crossings.                        and its reopening is considered of the utmost
                          The Hellenic Shortsea Shipowners Association   importance for the future development of the
                          (HSSA), with its relevant letter to the Ministries   country’s shipbuilding industry,” he added.
                          of Foreign Affairs and Maritime & Island Policy,
                          requests the immediate intervention of the Greek  ELSTAT’S JULY DATA ON THE GREEK
                          Government.                                MERCHANT FLEET
                          At the same time, the HSSA is in communication   According to ELSTAT, the number of ships and
                          with international organisations, as this unjustified   the carrying capacity of the Greek merchant fleet
                          decision by the Turkish authorities affects the   are declining.
                          free movement of goods and is against global  In July 2022, the gross tonnage of the Greek
                          maritime community practices.              Merchant fleet for vessels of 100 GRT and above
                                                                     dropped by 2.2%, and ship numbers declined by
                          A NEW ERA BEGINS FOR THE ELEFSINA          0.2% compared to June 2021. Based on June data,
                          SHIPYARDS                                  the Greek merchant fleet comprises 1,834 ships
                          The Elefsina Shipyards have become a critical  with 38,963,825 cubic metres GRT.
                          pillar of the national defence industry with guar-  41% (744) of these are passenger ships, 21%
                          anteed jobs, as the Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos   (376) cargo ships and 24% (445) tankers. Year
                          Mitsotakis stated during his visit to the shipyard   on year, the Greek merchant fleet’s passenger
                          on Friday, 2 September, after parliament had  ships increased by 3.6%, while bulk carriers and
                          passed the bill providing for the company’s san-  tankers decreased by 4.8% and 3.9%, respectively.
                          itisation.                                 In terms of gross tonnage, tankers play the most
                          “Today is indeed a very important, a great moment   important role in the Greek ocean-going fleet,
                          for the Elefsina Shipyards, and I want to start   accounting for 68% of the Greek Merchant fleet’s
                          by thanking everyone who worked so that this  total capacity.
                          very critical law could be passed”, noted Kyriakos   65.3% of the said ships (1,198) have a capacity of
                          Mitsotakis, speaking to the shipyard workers, who   up to 3,000 GT, representing 1.6% of the fleet’s
                          characteristically replied, “You have saved 600   total capacity. 11.6% of the vessels (213) have a
                          families”.                                 capacity between 3,000 and 7,000 GT, accounting
                          “We are here today, the state, investor, and   for 7.6% of the fleet’s total capacity. 24.1% of the
                          employees, to celebrate a great day for Elefsina   ships (423) have a carrying capacity of 30,000
                          Shipyards. We have managed to secure all the  GT, cumulatively representing 91% of the fleet’s
                          jobs, pay all back wages, and bring close to 200   total capacity.
                          million euros in investment to the shipyard repeat-
                          ing here what I had the opportunity to see being  DROP IN PIRAEUS CONTAINER
                          done in Syros. Whereas the shipyard looked like a  THROUGHPUT IN THE FIRST HALF OF
                          bombarded landscape four years ago, if you visit  THE YEAR
                          it today, it is a living Shipyard, with ships waiting   On Tuesday, 30 August, Cosco Shipping Ports
                          to be repaired, satisfied workers and above all,   announced its financial results for the first half
                          satisfied customers. Because some people send   of 2022.
                          their ships to Syros for repairs; it is inconceivable;   According to the announcement, the Chinese
                          it has always been inconceivable to me how can   giant’s revenue increased by 24.7% to $704.6
                          the country with the largest commercial fleet in   million, while gross profits increased by 33.3% to
                          the world not be able to repair its ships in Greece.   $197.7 million. At the same time, the total handling
                          This has changed in Syros and will also change   of containers from terminals managed by Cosco
                          here in Elefsina,” the prime minister underlined.  Shipping Ports increased in the first half by 0.8%,
                          On the occasion of the passing of the bill, the  to 63,210,330 TEUs.
                          Managing Director of the Elefsina Port Authority,   However, in Piraeus, container throughput
                          Mr Apostolos Kamarinakis, stated:          decreased by 9.6%, to 2,144,064 TEUs, com-
                          “We welcome the passing of the bill by par-  pared to 2,370,862 TEUs in the first half of 2021.
                          liament as it resolves the issue of the Elefsina  Cosco attributed this drop to the port congestion
                          Shipyards and puts an end to a chronic problem   recorded for several months.
                          that impacts the national and local economy,
                          the region’s community, the workers, and their

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