P. 45

Biofuels, which are carbon-neutral, also come with multiple   of its lifetime is a challenging issue, along with other social
            challenges, such as their corrosive nature, limited storage   and political problems. With the development of molten salt
            duration, and the conflict of their production with the food   reactors, several of the current issues with water-cooled
            industry.                                          reactors will be resolved.
            Hydrogen is the cleanest marine fuel available. Its production   Fuel cell technology has been successfully deployed in
            can also have zero emissions, but it is very energy intensive,  submarines. The main reasons that hold back its spreading
            expensive, and not scalable, and its storage and handling are   are its high capital cost, weight, limited bunkering infra-
            also challenging. These challenges could be addressed through   structure, and safety issues.
            an integrated reform of hydrogen production using LNG.   Other renewable energy technologies, such as solar or wind
            Nuclear power provides a very high fuel-to-power ratio, has  power, are also available, but so far, with limited applications.
            zero GHG emissions, and requires no onboard space for   The challenges identified are dependence on weather condi-
            bunkering. However, its economic viability should be further   tions, storage space, and weight requirements. The following
            examined. In addition, the disposal of uranium at the end   table shows the development status of several types of fuel.

                            The table below shows the current availability status of storage facilities, propulsion systems, onboard
                                  safety management systems, and the zero-carbon potential of each fuel/technology.

             Fuel /        Fuel          Fuel storage   Installation  Propulsion    Onboard       Zero carbon
             Technology    production    logistics                    system        safety & fuel   emission
                                         bunkering                                  management    target
             Fossil Fuels

             Fuel Cells

                                  Existing technology  Partly available / in progress  A long way to go

                            The diagram below shows the percentage of GHG emissions reduction by each alternative fuel.

   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50