P. 44


          The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists was founded in 1945 by Albert Einstein and
          University of Chicago scientists who helped develop the first atomic weapons in the
          Manhattan Project. They introduced the concept of the Doomsday Clock to convey threats
          to humanity and the planet. With the detonation of the first hydrogen bomb in 1952, the
          clock struck two minutes to midnight; the end of the Cold War in 1991 reset the clock
          to 17 minutes to midnight; the accelerating climate change and increasing nuclear threat
          in 2019 brought the clock to 2 minutes to midnight. With the Ukraine war in 2022,
          the clock struck 100 seconds to midnight. As Dr Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann (1844-1906)
          had said, “Available energy is the main object at stake in the struggle for existence
          and the evolution of the world”. Unfortunately, his words have come true.

                          MEETING THE IMO

                          STANDARDS &

                          MOVING TOWARDS

                          A ZERO-EMISSIONS


                          TIME TO GET AWAKE

                                           Even now that the world is facing a   GHG targets and must be combined
                                           war in Europe, we should not ignore   with other technologies. Methane slip is
                                           the impact of climate change on our  an additional challenge. Marine engine
                                           planet. Shipping must achieve a Green   technology is also available for the
                                           House Gases (GHG) reduction of 50 %   Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) option.
                                           by 2050, a very difficult target.  However, LPG bunkering infrastructure
                                           As per data published by the UN, the   is still limited, and its GHG reduction
                                           world population will increase by 22.5 %   is lower than that of LNG.
                                           to 9.7 billion people by 2050 - 12.2 %    Methanol can be produced from both
                                           of this increase will be in Asia, 77.7 % in   natural gas and renewable sources, but
                                           Africa, 14.7 % in Central and South Amer-  its production is energy intensive. Addi-
                                           ica, 14 % in North America and 31.3 %    tional challenges include its corrosive
                                           in Oceania. The population of Europe  nature and limited experience operating
                                           will shrink by 5.1%.              methanol-fueled marine engines. Never-
                                           In the same period, the growth of sea-  theless, there have been several orders
          by Stavros Hatzigrigoris,        borne trade will be 8.3 % for bulk cargoes,   for methanol-powered ships lately.
          Chairman, MARTECMA &             73.4 % for containerised goods, 327  %    The development of an ammonia-fu-
          Advanced Engineering Services
                                           for gas and 28.7 % for other cargoes.  eled marine engine is underway, which
                                           Tanker transportation will shrink by 21.8 %.  is expected to be available by 2024.
                                           The shipping industry is considering  Ammonia as a marine fuel is carbon-free,
                                           several alternative fuels as potential  but it produces significant NOx emis-
                                           long-term solutions. - each with its   sions requiring the introduction of SCR
                                           advantages and challenges. Liquefied   technologies to manage them. Although
                                           Natural Gas (LNG) is one of the lead-  its production can also be carbon-free, it
                                           ing options, as multiple marine engines   is not economically feasible for shipping.
          (*) The above article includes remarks and   and handling technologies are already   Ammonia slip and NOx issues should
          conclusions drawn by the presentation made   available for LNG. However, although it   be investigated further. As ammonia is
          by Mr Stavros Hatzigrigoris during the technical
          seminar of the Hellenic Institute of Marine   is the cleanest-burning fossil fuel, LNG   highly toxic, its use as a fuel should be
          Technology at Posidonia on Thursday, June 9, 2022.  alone cannot meet the 2030 and 2050   addressed at the IMO level.

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