P. 150


                                                                       Neste RD is a 100% renewable fuel products
                                                                       manufactured from waste cooking oil and animal
                                                                       oil that the food industry would not use. It can
                                                                       reduce GHG emissions on a life cycle assess-
                                                                       ment* by about 90% compared to petroleum-de-
                                                                       rived diesel fuel. It can be used as a so-called
                                                                       “drop-in fuel,” just like gasoline or diesel oil,
                                                                       without modifying the existing infrastructure. As
                                                                       a next-generation renewable fuel, NesteRD can
                                                                       significantly contribute to reducing GHG emis-
                                                                       sions by minimising the introduction of costly
                                                                       decarbonisation measures, so its future use in the
                                                                       shipping industry is expected to expand further.

                                                                       NEW AIR LUBRICATION SYSTEM FOR
                                                                       Ecochlor announced in August the signing of a
                                                                       Collaborative Agreement with Armada Technol-
                                                                       ogies, LLC. As part of the Agreement, Ecochlor
                                                                       will provide Armada with technical assistance and
                                                                       global sales and marketing support.
                                                                       Andrew Marshall, Ecochlor CEO, commented, “I
                                                                       am very excited to introduce the Armada sys-
                                                                       tem to the maritime industry. Compared to hull
                                                                       lubrication competitors, the Armada system has
                                                                       a relatively low installation and operating cost.
                                                                       Its unique design uses less power than other hull
                                                                       lubrication technologies, decouples speed from
                                                                       drag reduction, and is easier to maintain. This
                                                                       provides an economic payback to the shipowner
                              tral.  The methanol engine, which is expected to   within a shorter period. A complete win for owners
                              be spark ignited, will be based on the winning mtu   looking to reduce their carbon footprint whilst
                              Series 4000.                            reducing costs!”
                                                                      The Armada hull air lubrication system is expected
                              JAPANESE COMPANIES AIM FOR              to be available to shipowners by the end of 2022.
                              BIOFUELS                                Depending on hull design, the system will deliver
                              Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK) and NYK   an estimated fuel saving of 10 – 12%. It is effective
                              Group company Shin-Nippon Kaiyosha Corpo-  regardless of fuel type, making it a key technol-
                              ration (Shin-Nippon Kaiyosha) have started test   ogy in transitioning to zero-carbon fuels.
                              navigation using Neste Renewable Diesel (herein-  “This Agreement with Ecochlor, a top-tiered,
                              after, NesteRD) supplied by Itochu Enex Co. Ltd.   respected, global company, offers us the strong
                              (hereinafter, Itochu Enex) in tugboats operated  engineering, sales, and marketing support we
                              by Shin-Nippon Kaiyosha. This is the first case in   need to jump into the maritime industry. We are
                              which Japan uses a 100% concentration in a ship.  very much looking forward to collaborating with
                              Biofuels are made from renewable biological   their very experienced Team and our future alli-
                              organic resources (biomass). Burning biofuels  ance,” said Alexander Routledge, CEO of Armada,”
                              results in virtually zero carbon dioxide (CO2)   said Alexander Routledge, CEO of Armada.
                              emissions. As the demand for reductions in the   Routledge explains the concept behind the tech-
                              greenhouse gases (“GHG”) emitted from ships by   nology: “Our system is more advanced than any
                              oceangoing shipping worldwide has been grow-  other hull lubrication technology on the market
                              ing, biofuels have attracted attention as a cur-  today. Armada utilises the ship’s own forward
                              rently available alternative to heavy oil.  motion to help drive the system. An eductor is
                              The biofuel used in this trial is Neste RD, which is  used to draw air in whilst a series of microbubble
                              being imported to Japan through a contract that   emitters distribute the bubble swarm under the
                              Itochu Corporation has signed with the Neste   ship; this significantly reduces drag, offering clear
                              OYJ Group, one of the world’s largest renewable   and immediate benefits to any shipowner looking
                              fuel manufacturers.                     to reduce emissions on their ships.”

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