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                                                                         ammonia bunkering vessels, leveraging its deep
                                                                         technological capabilities and expertise.
                                                                         Bureau Veritas will verify compliance with the
                                                                         applicable and up-to-date rules, particularly those
                                                                         related to ammonia handling, drawing on BV’s
                                                                         expertise in ammonia carriage and operations and
                                                                         previous technical studies on ammonia as a fuel.
                                                                         Hong Lam Marine’s role is to provide input specific
                                                                         to operational data and to support and validate
                                                                         the suitability of the ship design for commercial
                                                                         operations. The MOU will foster innovation in smart
                                                                         and autonomous ship technologies and support
                                                                         the use of green ammonia as a sustainable fuel
                                                                         to help decarbonise global shipping.

                                                                         ROLLS-ROYCE AND SANLORENZO TEAM UP
                                 wind-assisted propulsion system alongside other  FOR METHANOL PROPULSION IN LUXURY
                                 energy efficiency technologies, highlighting the ben-  YACHTS
                                 efits of integrating complementary clean tech solutions   Rolls-Royce and Italian yacht builder Sanlorenzo
                                 for maximum impact.                     plan to develop and build a large motor yacht
                                 The Rotor Sails will be delivered in early 2023; after   with a methanol engine propulsion system able to
                                 their construction has been completed, both 130m long   run carbon-neutrally on 'green' methanol. The two
                                 ships, each with a cargo size of 7,500m³, are expected   companies announced an exclusive memorandum
                                 to be delivered in 2024. After commencing operations,   of understanding to this effect for yachts between
                                 the vessels will fill up with captured liquefied CO₂ from   40 and 70 meters on the eve of the opening of the
                                 European emitters and carry it to the Northern Lights   2022 Cannes Yachting Festival. Powered by two
                                 receiving terminal in Norway’s Øygarden.  mtu methanol engines based on the Series 4000,
                                                                         the Sanlorenzo yacht is expected to undertake her
                                 JOINT VENTURE TO DEVELOP AMMONIA        maiden voyage in 2026.
                                 BUNKERING VESSEL DESIGN                 Green methanol is climate-friendly and car-
                                 PaxOcean Engineering Pte. Ltd. has signed a   bon-neutral because it is produced using solar or
                                 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Sin-  wind power: The first stage is to take hydrogen and
                                 gapore-based bunker vessel operator Hong Lam   synthesize it into methanol (CH3HO) using carbon
                                 Marine and classification society Bureau Veritas (BV)   and oxygen from the air. Carbon in the form of CO2
                                 to jointly develop an ammonia bunker vessel design.  is released into the air during combustion – but
                                 With the signing of this MOU, PaxOcean will focus   no more than was taken from it during production
                                 on developing designs for ammonia-fueled and  of the fuel. As a result, the cycle is carbon-neu-

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