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are possible from combining various fins, caps ture and storage (OCCS) as a method of reducing
and flanges. ship emissions, with two versions of the same sys-
“We can adjust the angle of the fins, or the selec- tem – named ERMA FIRST CARBON FIT - under
tion of the cap based on a specific vessel’s needs,” development.
said Mr Stampedakis, “giving a bespoke propeller An Amine Absorption version is aimed at deep-
cap at the cost of an off-the-shelf model”. sea ships with the system capturing CO2 through
well-established technology which absorbs CO2
Broader perspective from the flue gas and stores it in a liquid state. This
ERMA FIRST’s efforts to help owners use inno- reduces the volume for long distance voyages. In
vative but practical and marinised solutions to this case, the technology has secured AiP from
achieve looming targets for ship decarbonisation Lloyd’s Register and DNV.
cover operations in port and at sea. A simpler Calcium Hydroxide-based version is
Emissions restrictions in ports are ramping up fast, aimed at shortsea vessels. In this case, the organic
with selected Californian ports already requiring alkali absorbs CO2 from flue gas in a specially
80% of berthed container, reefer and cruise ships’ designed reactor and dehydrated calcium car-
power to come from a shore-based source. bonate slurry is stored onboard until its disposal
In Europe, the ‘Fit for 55’ legislative package con- at authorised facilities.
tains proposals for ports to have cold ironing infra- ERMA FIRST is aiming to install pilot units in
structure in place by 1 January 2030 for passenger August 2024, with commercial sales following
and container ships of over 5,000gt. China already from the second half of 2025, with clients indi-
requires ships on international voyages to use the cating intent to place orders.
equipment if it is installed. Under normal operating conditions OCCS systems
ERMA FIRST BLUE CONNECT is an alternative are expected to cut emissions by 15% to 30%, said
maritime power system which enables vessels to Mr Stampedakis.
connect to a port’s electrical grid to run onboard
services, systems and equipment. Technical answers
BLUE CONNECT has received approval in principle Ballast water treatment remains a major focus of
(AiP) from leading classification society Bureau ERMA FIRST’s sustainability drive, with Mr Stam-
Veritas and is also recognised as an Energy Sav- pedakis seeing the potential for stricter regulations
ing Device by DNV. The first installation of BLUE ahead that will require continuous investment in
CONNECT will be made this Fall, while ERMA systems development.
FIRST has received orders for six to eight units to Whatever the requirement, ERMA FIRST’s sustain-
be delivered by the end of the year. able solutions have been built through a blend of
At sea, the focus has been on onboard carbon cap- in-house experience and new expertise.