P. 276
Once best known for its leading position as a ballast water treatment system manufacturer,
ERMA FIRST now oversees a portfolio of sustainable marine solutions, including technologies
that help ship operators to cut emissions while the need to burn fossil fuels continues.
ERMA FIRST Co-Founder & Manag- and finally 2050 are eminently achieva-
ing Director Konstantinos Stampeda- ble if all stakeholders act sooner rather
kis stresses that the Greek company is than later. We passionately believe there
intensely focused on helping shipown- is a lot of room for technologies to deliver
ers decarbonise their operations over the operational improvements that reduce
next 15 to 20 years with a portfolio of sus- fuel consumption and vessel emissions”.
tainable future-proof solutions. Konstantinos Stampedakis is clear that
despite slow progress in ports setting up
Long-term view cold ironing facilities to connect ships to
An offshoot of longstanding marine tech- shoreside mains electricity or offload cap-
nology developer Environmental Protec- tured and stored carbon, owners need to
tion Engineering (EPE), which has been start investing in existing technologies
in operation since 1977, ERMA FIRST that can help reach approaching decar-
was set up in 2009. Today, it retains its bonisation targets.
commitment to provide solutions to meet
shipping’s full ballast water treatment When the cap fits
systems needs, at a time when most An immediate step owners can take to
competitors are quitting the market. cut fuel use and emissions by 2% to 3%
“Our commitment is to offer unparalleled is to fit a boss cap fin (BCF). Installed
long-term cooperation and stellar sup- at the hub of a ship’s propeller a BCF
port to our BWTS customers”., said Mr effectively utilises water swirl, while its
Stampedakis. fins catch and absorb the rotating water
The commitment to collaborating with force. Together they reduce energy loss
owner is characteristic of the ERMA by weakening the propeller hub vortex,
FIRST position on energy saving devices boosting thrust and improving propulsion
and emissions, added Mr Stampedakis. efficiency.
“We know alternative green fuels will be But there are hundreds of different pro-
the eventual solution to maritime decar- peller and ship types and sizes, making it
bonisation, but for the next 15 to 20 years prohibitively expensive to design bespoke
the majority of vessels will continue to BCFs for individual vessels and limiting
burn fossil fuels while facing increasing the effectiveness of off-the-shelf models.
challenges to cut emissions from regu- The innovative modular design behind
by Konstantinos Stampedakis, lations such as the CII, EEXI and EU ETS. the ERMA FIRST FLEXCAP overcomes
Co-Founder & Managing Director “Decarbonisation targets for 2030, 2040 this issue. At least 22 different models