P. 272


          Dimitri Tsiftsis discusses the Bahamas Maritime Authority’s PSC performance, the impact
          of geopolitical disruptions on Bahamian-flagged ships, and the registry’s future plans
          regarding innovation and sustainability.



                                           PSC performance                   Diversity and inclusion as vital factors
                                           The BMA is committed  to ensuring   of sustainable development
                                           that all Bahamian ships are always fully   The BMA believes that diversity and inclu-
                                           compliant with International Convention   sion remain vital factors for sustainable
                                           requirements and national regulations   development and is committed to ensur-
                                           and fully supports the objectives of the   ing that the organisation is open to all.
                                           PSC process in eliminating sub-stand-  The UN Sustainable Development Goal 5
                                           ard shipping when applied in a fair and   – Gender Equality – is of vital importance
                                           equitable manner. The Bahamas has   for the future of our industry, and the BMA
                                           improved its PSC detention rate signif-  believes that if more women are encour-
                                           icantly and remains on the whitelists of   aged to take on positions of responsibility,
                                           the major PSC MoU regions, except for   it will lead to a stronger maritime sector.
                                           the USA, where, due to an unusually high
                                           number of detentions in 2022, the 3-year   Future plans
                                           detention average is just above the 1.0%   The BMA is committed to innovation and
                                           criterion for QUALSHIP 21, at 1.016%.   sustainability in the shipping industry and
                                           The BMA remains focused on ensuring   is dedicated to consistently high stand-
                                           The Bahamas remains on all whitelists   ards and excellent service. To that end, it is
                                           and regaining QUALSHIP 21 status at the   continuously developing new technology
                                           earliest opportunity.             and tools to support its fleet and actively
                                                                             exploring opportunities to enter new ship-
                                           The impact of geopolitical disruptions   ping sectors that align with our strategic
                                           on seaborne trade                 goals.
                                           The escalation of hijackings and attacks
                                           in the Red Sea is a matter of concern   The BMA has recently launched a com-
                                           for us all, and we have put our full sup-  prehensive reporting portal for the use of
                                           port behind the IMO as it tackles these   managers and owners. The system digital-
                                           threats to safe and secure navigation   ises the entire reporting process, eliminat-
                                           and the right of innocent passage, avoid-  ing the need for duplicate information and
                                           ing the compromise to the marine envi-  guiding the user through each reporting
                                           ronment. In terms of The Bahamas fleet,   stage. Not only does this system assist
                                           we are doing our utmost to support our   shipowners and managers, but it will also
                                           seafarers, liaising closely with relevant   provide information on accident trends so
                                           authorities to bring any detained crew   that, when necessary, the BMA may alert
                                           home safely, proactively engaging in the   its owners.
                                           regulatory process, and disseminating   We believe that through collaborative
                                           any new information and guidance to our   efforts and embracing  technological
                                           shipowners so that they can take appro-  advancements, we can contribute to a
          by Dimitri Tsiftsis, Regional Director-  priate actions, where needed.  more efficient and responsible maritime
          Greece at The Bahamas Maritime Authority                           future.

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