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          Head of scientific research                                 The necessity of implementing new revenue
          Asst. Professor Dr. Michael Tsatsaronis                     models to meet the 2030 climate objectives has
          Assistant Scientific Coordinator                            been highlighted in the first four months of this
          Argyris Dimopoulos                                          year. The dynamics of the sector are changing
          Dry Bulk Analysis                                           due to transparency, as benchmarking against
          George Katsavos                                             sustainability and ESG standards is becoming
          Kalliopi Zifkou                                             more common. Furthermore, there is a discerni-

          Tankers Analysis                                            ble trend in the shipping industry towards using
          Panagiota Markopoulioti                                     technology to streamline various operations.
          Konstantina Touloumi                                        The global fleet’s ability to move goods has
          LNG/LPG & Containers Analysis                               decreased due to infrastructural inefficiencies
          Dimitris Stratikopoulos                                     and greater travel distances caused by geopo-
          Editorial Coordinator                                       litical conflicts, sanctions, and climate-related
          Martha Gkorila                                              disruptions. In spite of this, most segments
                                                                      have seen extended periods of high freight and
                                                                      second-hand prices since the early 2020s, and
                                                                      fleet utilisation remains strong. Orderbooks are
                                                                      typically low to moderate, with the exception
                                                                      of gas carriers and containers. The ClarkSea
                                                                      Index shows freight rates are among the high-
                                                                      est recorded since 2000, with rates in the top
                                                                      25%. Some categories recorded a drop in profits
                                                                      between April 2023 and April 2024 despite the
                                                                      Dry Bulk Index’s significant increase. Over the
                                                                      past year, second-hand vessel prices rose by 9%
                                                                      to levels not seen since the mid-2000s. While
                                                                      supply is growing faster than demand, the mar-
                                                                      ket is still performing quite well, partly because
          With the 2030 emissions reduction targets                   longer travel lengths are offsetting the slower
          rapidly approaching and the growing awareness of            volume growth. These trends are accelerated by
          geopolitical threats and climate change, 2024 has           geopolitical tensions, which lower fleet capacity
          provided a clear view of what lies ahead.                   and result in longer voyages.

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