P. 228


                                          We  have  discovered that there   Do you believe that larger companies have
                                          is much that can be done in this   an advantage in implementing fleet optimi-
                                          direction without a prohibitive   sation strategies?
                                          investment cost. After studying       Operational optimisation measures
                                          the energy upgrade of our existing    are easy to implement, although
                                          fleet very carefully, we initiated the   they do not deliver  the desired
                                          optimisation process by improving     result as easily. Weather optimisa-
                                          the environmental profile of those    tion systems and low or high-fre-
                                          ships whose specifications and        quency data collection tools are
                                          age could guarantee investment        now widely available in the market
                                          payback in a reasonable time. The     and are affordable, efficient, and
                                          standard energy upgrade we fol-       accessible  to all companies. In
                                          lowed consists of pre-swirl ducts,    contrast, technological measures
                                          propeller boss cap fins, and low      usually require demanding pro-
                                          friction coatings, either simultane-  ject management and high capital
                                          ously or in combinations. We then     expenditure and, therefore, may be
                                          decided on the proper combination     more challenging for smaller com-
                                          of energy-saving devices based on     panies to undertake.
                                          the results of ship-specific Compu-   In addition, investing in new con-
                                          tational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) stud-   structions with high technological
                                          ies that indicated the energy-saving   standards requires high capital for
                                          level of each ship. In some cases,    both their purchase and mainte-
                                          we confirmed the CFD results with     nance and may not be an option
                                          dedicated sea trials that were car-   for all companies. In this light, it
                                          ried out after the retrofitting com-  may be more difficult for compa-
               I expect that the          pletion. To our great satisfaction,   nies with smaller fleets, and thus
               future will bring          our fleet retrofitting programme      less capital, to make large financial
             more groundbreaking          with energy-saving technologies       openings and renew or upgrade
         developments in shipping’s       has proven to be an added value,      their fleet to a great extent quickly.
                digitalisation.           being highly effective throughout     Fortunately,  there are currently
                                          the ships’ operations since then.     many financing options for new
                                          Furthermore, during the last six      technologies, offering flexibility and
                                          years, we have renewed our fleet      serving the needs of a wide range
                                          with eco-design vessels con-          of ship managers.
                                          structed in high-quality shipyards.
                                          Since 2018, 17 tankers, 6 bulk car-  How can shipping capitalise on AI? Are
                                          riers, and 7 LNG carriers have been   there any specific applications particularly
                                          delivered, all of which are eco-de-  relevant to fleet optimisation?
                                          signs.                                AI has many applications in ship-
                                          Regarding the adaptability of our     ping, primarily in the analysis of
                                          people, the upgrading of our fleet    large amounts of data. As digitisa-
                                          and our day-to-day office oper-       tion within the industry develops,
                                          ations is taking place at a pace      the volume of data to be moni-
                                          serving assimilation and adapta-      tored grows, making information
                                          tion. Crews have been extremely       management and analysis difficult
                                          responsive to the use and opera-      and demanding. Shipping profes-
                                          tion of new technologies, and their   sionals are familiar with the diffi-
                                          training has certainly helped a lot   culty of making decisions utilising
                                          in this direction.                    large amounts of information from
                                          Of course, an adjustment period is    different sources. In this context,
                                          necessary, and there may be some      artificial intelligence plays a pri-
                                          resistance to new developments.       mary role.
                                          However, I have personally found      AI can be applied to automation
                                          that, over time, the human element    and real-time analytics, simul-
                                          has proven helpful rather  than       taneously analysing various fac-
                                          obstructive in our efforts towards    tors to  propose the  optimum
                                          energy efficiency.                    result. Voyage optimisation, risk

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