P. 223
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ing parameters such as speed and con-
sumption, vessel operators can achieve
substantial fuel savings while also ensur-
ing safe navigation by avoiding adverse
weather conditions.
What is the primary driver for fleet optimisation
The primary driver of investments in fleet
optimisation is the maritime industry’s
commitment to reducing carbon emis-
sions and meeting the ambitious envi-
ronmental targets set forth by the Inter-
national Maritime Organisation (IMO) and
the European Union. With the IMO’s goal
of achieving a 70% reduction in shipping
emissions by 2040, the adoption of short-
term measures like the Energy Efficiency
Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and the Car-
bon Intensity Indicator (CII) has become
The CII, calculated annually and tailored to
each vessel’s trade and operational profile,
serves as a key measure for monitoring
and improving fleet-wide fuel efficiency.
Given the central role of fuel consump-
tion in determining CII scores, automated
data applications geared toward reducing
fuel usage are pivotal in fleet optimisation
Furthermore, the shipping industry’s
involvement in the European Union’s
emission trading scheme and the Fuel
EU’s ambitious targets of achieving an
80% reduction of GHG emissions by 2050,
underscores the importance of driving sus- Automated data acquisition systems ena-
tainability initiatives such as biofue ls. ble informed decision-making in optimis-
ing efficiency and preventing equipment
What technologies is your company implementing failures. Crew members must prioritise
to optimise its fleet? How challenging is it to inte- high-quality data reporting, address sen-
grate the latest technological developments with sor malfunctions promptly, and focus on
the human element? core onboard tasks while being supported
Our company is actively pursuing strat- by efficient data systems and training
egies to address GHG emissions and resources.
enhance operational efficiency within By embracing practical technologies and
our fleet. While alternative fuels, wind fostering a culture of data-driven deci-
propulsion, and air lubrication systems are sion-making, we aim to enhance fleet per-
widely discussed solutions for decarbon- formance while minimising environmental
ising the shipping industry, their maturity impact and optimising crew operations.
and viability remain ongoing concerns. The challenge of integrating the latest
Instead, we choose to focus on practical technological advancements with the
and proven technologies, such as ener- human element lies in fostering awareness
gy-saving devices like hull appendages of the tangible benefits these technologies
and advanced antifouling paints, which offer and in strategically prioritising their
offer tangible returns on investment. implementation.