P. 224
Do you believe that larger companies have an platforms for monitoring ship perfor-
advantage in implementing fleet optimisation mance, ensuring compliance, and facil-
strategies? itating reporting is critical for enhanc-
While major European and Asian ship- ing efficiency and safety in maritime
ping companies are at the forefront of operations.
implementing fleet optimisation strat- Automated systems ensure efficient
egies, smaller companies, including hull performance monitoring, precise
Greek shipowners, have historically maintenance planning, and accurate
leaned towards traditional practices fuel consumption reporting. This not
and are hesitant to embrace riskier only enhances operational efficiency
endeavours. However, there has been but also promotes safety by enabling
a noticeable shift in recent years, with timely maintenance interventions and
an increasing interest observed among implementing fuel-saving measures.
both larger and smaller companies in Our experience has demonstrated that
adopting modern fleet optimisation these platforms consistently provide
strategies. accurate data, often accompanied by
Collaboration among all stakeholders, effective analysis. As these platforms
irrespective of company size, is para- continue to evolve over time, they are
mount for accelerating progress in this expected to mature and further opti-
domain, amplifying the effects, and mise their results.
maximising the benefits derived from
fleet optimisation efforts. Greece, What, in your view, is the future of connectiv-
with its rich maritime heritage, has the ity and telecommunications in the shipping
potential to emerge as a prominent industry?
shipping technology hub. However, While it is true that many compa-
realising this potential necessitates con- nies have made significant strides in
certed investments, initiatives, and the addressing connectivity and satellite
development of a supportive regulatory issues, it is essential to recognise that
framework that caters to the needs of technology is constantly evolving.
both larger and smaller companies. Some companies may have already
implemented advanced connectivity
How can shipping capitalise on AI? Are there solutions, but new opportunities are
any specific applications particularly relevant constantly emerging in this rapidly
to fleet optimisation? evolving landscape.
Shipping can leverage AI to revolution- For instance, even though current con-
ise fleet optimisation through proactive, nectivity solutions may be adequate,
data-driven approaches. Integrating AI ongoing advancements in satellite
with automated systems enables effi- technology, IoT devices, and broad-
cient hull performance monitoring, pre- band infrastructure present opportu-
cise maintenance planning, and accu- nities for further enhancing commu-
rate fuel consumption reporting. nication and data exchange within the
Route optimisation and voyage plan- maritime sector. Additionally, as the
ning can also benefit from AI’s simula- industry continues to embrace data-
tion capabilities, optimising speed and driven decision-making and smart
consumption to achieve significant fuel technologies, new applications and
savings while ensuring safe navigation. innovations may emerge, further opti-
Furthermore, AI applications can extend mising operational efficiency, safety,
to safety enhancement and security and collaboration.
hazard prevention, as well as address- Therefore, while some companies may
ing operational anomalies, machinery have already addressed connectivity
concerns, and cargo operations. challenges, it is essential to remain
vigilant and open to leveraging new
How efficient and safe is the interoperability of technological advancements to stay
the new digital platforms for monitoring ship ahead of the curve and maintain a
performance, ensuring compliance, and facili- competitive edge in the industry.
tating reporting?
The interoperability of new digital