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What is the primary driver for fleet optimisa- system from anywhere in the world
tion investments? via a web browser, which enhances
The primary motivation behind flexibility and real-time monitoring
fleet optimisation investments lies capabilities for both onboard and
in achieving several key objectives. shore-based personnel. We have
Firstly, reducing off-hire or down- also integrated AI verification and
time is a significant driver, achieved analysis throughout our system.
by minimising onboard incidents This means that data uploaded from
and observations or deficiencies vessels undergoes verification and
reported during third-party inspec- is then subjected to additional anal-
tions. This not only enhances opera- ysis, providing valuable insights to
tional efficiency but also contributes support decision-making processes.
to cost savings by maximising vessel However, integrating these tech-
uptime. nological advancements with the
In addition, improving crew reten- human element poses a challenge.
tion emerges as another powerful The key lies in ensuring that the
incentive. Equipping crews with the technology remains human-centric,
best tools and resources empowers designed to support and empower
them, enhances their efficiency, and both crews and shore teams. By
ultimately boosts job satisfaction. focusing on addressing the everyday
By investing in crew welfare and challenges faced by frontline work-
productivity, companies can reduce ers, we aim to foster a culture where Equipping crews with
turnover rates and create a loyal and the adoption and implementation of the best tools and
skilled workforce. new technology are welcomed and resources empowers
Additionally, there’s a clear aim to embraced. Ultimately, our goal is them, enhances
relieve the burden on shore-based to enhance efficiency, streamline their efficiency,
personnel. Streamlining processes operations, and improve the overall and ultimately boosts
and providing comprehensive tools experience for our clients’ personnel job satisfaction.
can reduce administrative tasks, both at sea and onshore. By investing in
allowing shore teams to focus on crew welfare and
higher-value activities. This will not Do you believe that larger companies have an productivity,companies
only enhance overall productivity advantage in implementing fleet optimisation can reduce turnover
but also enable a more supportive strategies? rates and create a
and efficient working environment The advantage that larger compa- loyal and skilled
for both onboard and shore-based nies have in implementing fleet opti- workforce.
personnel. misation strategies is undeniable.
With larger resources, including ded-
What technologies is your company develop- icated personnel or teams focused
ing to optimise fleet operations? How chal- solely on fleet optimisation, these
lenging is it to integrate the latest technolog- companies can undertake compre-
ical developments with the human element? hensive analyses and execute large-
Our company is at the forefront of scale initiatives efficiently.
developing cutting-edge technol- However, the size of the company
ogies to optimise fleet operations. is not the sole determinant of suc-
One significant advancement is the cess. More critical than sheer size is
development of our mobile-first and the organisational mindset toward
offline-friendly application tailored optimisation. Regardless of com-
for crew members. This app pro- pany size, a commitment to identi-
vides seafarers with the necessary fying and addressing inefficiencies
procedures and guidance directly on is paramount. Smaller companies
their mobile devices, enabling them may lack the extensive resources of
to efficiently complete inspection their larger counterparts, but they
work, collect data, and generate often benefit from a more agile deci-
reports regardless of their location sion-making process. Changes can
onboard the vessel. be implemented swiftly, and com-
In addition, we provide a cloud-based munication tends to be more direct
dashboard, allowing access to our and effective.