P. 227
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significant investment. If decided dur- with new technologies. Therefore, com-
ing the negotiation phase with the ship- mercial competitiveness remains the
builder, it will have a great impact on the main driver for fleet optimisation, but
environmental performance of the ship now in a more sustainable way.
throughout its lifetime.
Shipowners also have a large number of What technologies is your company implement-
technologies at their disposal from which ing to optimise its fleet? How challenging is it to
to choose for the performance improve- integrate the latest technological developments
ment of their existing ships. The market with the human element?
is swarming with systems that promise We applied voyage optimisation with
COMMERCIAL to increase propeller efficiency, aid ship weather routing providers as a stand-
ard process a long time ago, and we
propulsion, and decrease energy con-
sumption in various ways, which, more
have been using high-frequency data
COMPETITIVENESS What is the primary driver for fleet optimisation for the hull and machinery performance
often than not, deliver on their promises.
monitoring since 2017. We also utilise
advanced coatings, scrubbers, and bio-
REMAINS THE MAIN investments? fuels, perform robotic hull cleanings, and
are now testing the ultrasound antifoul-
Today, more than ever, the regulatory
ing technology in the hull and propeller.
framework on emission reduction in the
DRIVER FOR FLEET shipping industry, which has set ever-in- Moreover, we participate in research
creasing targets, is compelling ship oper-
groups to enhance our knowledge of
selected technologies, such as antifoul-
ators to concentrate their efforts on fuel
OPTIMISATION consumption reduction. For a company ing technologies and carbon capture
systems. We continually try to follow the
to remain commercially attractive and
environmentally compliant, it has to
ogies because we believe this is the way
invest in new technologically advanced developments of energy-saving technol-
vessels and reduce its existing fleet’s to sustain our competitiveness and envi-
environmental footprint by upgrading it ronmental performance.