P. 220


                                                                      How efficient and safe is the interoperability of
                                                                      the new digital platforms for monitoring ship
                                                                      performance, ensuring compliance, and facil-
                                                                      itating reporting?
                                                                             With 12 years of experience in IoT and
                                                                             online data analytics, having managed
                                                                             to minimise data loss to percentages
                                                                             lower than 1% and ensure high data
                                                                             stability, we observe that there are
                                                                             sensors and equipment with more
                                                                             stable and reliable performance com-
                                                                             pared to others, such as the speed log.
                                                                             For the latter, alternative ways have
                                                                             been devised to enhance the accuracy
                        The booming of the SatCom                            of the respective metrics.
                   market,especially Low Earth Orbit                         A skilled engineering team can encode
                      Solutions,will revolutionise                           helpful information, key performance
                         maritime connectivity.                              indicators ( KPIs), and trends produced
                    High-throughput satellites will                          by the digital ship performance mon-
                    provide faster and more reliable                         itoring tools. Undoubtedly, the use of
                     communication while supporting                          data analytics to assess vessel perfor-
                     real-time navigation, weather                           mance is not only a valuable tool that
                       updates, and crew welfare.                            provides clear and deep insights but
                                                                             is also crucial in the decision-making
                                                                             Shipping companies must steel them-
                                                                             selves to effectively address the strict
                                                                             reporting requirements and compli-
                                                                             ance measures pertinent to the wave
                                                                             of new regulations and directives,
                                                                             such as the EU ETS. Considering the
                                                                             demanding and elaborate nature of
                                                                             these requirements, the use of digi-
                                                                             tal tools and auto-generated reports
                                                                             with embedded checkers is the only
                                                                             way to go.

                                                                      What, in your view, is the future of connectiv-
                                    There is great scope for AI applications   ity and telecommunications in the shipping
                                    in the shipping industry via automated   industry?
                                    processing and real-time analytics,      The booming of the SatCom market,
                                    ranging from performance monitoring      especially Low Earth Orbit Solutions,
                                    and forecasting to route optimisation,   will revolutionise maritime connec-
                                    safety and security, and predictive      tivity. High-throughput satellites will
                                    maintenance. Simultaneously, there       provide faster and more reliable com-
                                    is a plethora of applications related    munication while supporting real-time
                                    to the entire supply chain, including    navigation, weather updates,  and
                                    logistics optimisation, port operations   crew welfare. In summary, the future
                                    and cargo management.                    of connectivity in the shipping indus-
                                    As with every new technology, AI has     try lies in harnessing data, expand-
                                    significant  advantages.  However,       ing infrastructure, and leveraging
                                    there are also certain challenges to     technological innovations. As vessels
                                    be addressed for AI to be successfully   become smarter and more connected,
                                    integrated into shipping operations,     the industry will continue to evolve,
                                    such as costs, cybersecurity, credi-     enhancing safety, efficiency, and sus-
                                    bility, training, procedural issues, and   tainability at sea.
                                    ethical considerations.

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