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                      cess to ensure comprehensive data collection. The   becoming more important in the maritime indus-
                      company has established a dedicated sustainability   try, all companies need to prioritise environmental
                      department focused on optimising vessel perfor-  responsibility and use technologies that reduce fuel
                      mance and reducing environmental impact.       use and GHG emissions.
                      Notably, the company has a track record of early   Success in fleet optimisation depends on organisa-
                      adoption, as evidenced by the installation of flow-  tional culture, leadership vision, and a strong com-
                      meters and torque meters onboard vessels as early   mitment to sustainability. By promoting a culture of
                      as 2017.                                       environmental stewardship and investing in innova-
                      By staying ahead of the curve, Seanergy demon-  tive technologies that support global sustainabil-
                      strates its proactive approach to adopting new tech-  ity goals, companies can excel operationally while
                      nologies and solutions. It is the first Greek-based   reducing their environmental impact.
                      shipping company to accomplish a strategic part-
                      nership with the EU-funded SAFeCRAFT Project   How can shipping capitalise on AI? Are there any specific
                      Consortium, a breakthrough initiative concerning   applications particularly relevant to fleet optimisation?
                      the utilisation of alternative fuels. Safecraft aims to   Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in shipping oper-
                      demonstrate the safety and viability of Sustainable   ations offers many ways to boost efficiency and
                      Alternative Fuels (SAFs) in seaborne transporta-  optimise fleet performance. One great use of AI
                      tion, accelerating the adoption of SAF technologies.   is predictive maintenance. By analysing data from
                      Seanergy’s participation in the SAFeCRAFT Project   sensors and machinery, AI can predict equipment
                      Consortium highlights its commitment to exploring   issues before they happen, allowing for proactive
                      sustainable propulsion systems, including hydrogen   maintenance and less downtime.
                      technology.                                    Another key benefit is route optimisation. AI can
                      Under Safecraft, Seanergy will provide one of its   process large amounts of data on shipping routes,
                      existing conventionally fueled Capesize vessels   weather, sea conditions, and fuel prices to find the
                      as a demonstration vessel, which will be retrofit-  best routes for ships, thus reducing fuel use, cutting
                      ted to utilise hydrogen (H2) as the primary energy   costs, and lessening their environmental impact.
                      source for electric power generation. This system is   AI can also improve cargo handling by optimising
                      expected to cover a portion of the vessel’s propul-  cargo loading to maximise stability and reduce time
                      sion requirements and, therefore, reduce reliance on   spent in ports. By analysing past and real-time data,
                      conventional fuels.                            AI can streamline loading and unloading, making
                      Despite the challenges of integrating the latest   operations more efficient.
                      technological developments with the human ele-  Finally, AI-driven analytics can offer insights into
                      ment, Seanergy places emphasis on adaptability and   market trends and demand patterns. Shipping com-
                      readiness. Close collaboration between departments   panies can use this data to plan vessel deployment,
                      within the company and onboard personnel ensures   schedule cargo, and make strategic decisions that
                      the seamless integration of new technologies into   improve efficiency and competitiveness.
                      daily operations. By fostering a culture of innovation   However, it’s important to remember that AI lacks
                      and continuous improvement, Seanergy strives to   human critical thinking skills, which are vital in
                      optimise its fleet while prioritising sustainability and   shipping. While AI can enhance operations, human
                      operational excellence.                        supervision remains crucial for safety and effective
                 Do you believe that larger companies have an advantage
                 in implementing fleet optimisation strategies?  How efficient and safe is the interoperability of the new
                      Based on our experience from pioneering the estab-  digital platforms for monitoring ship performance, ensur-
                      lishment of a Sustainability Committee as well as   ing compliance, and facilitating reporting?
                      the creation of an Energy and Sustainability Depart-  New digital platforms that monitor ship perfor-
                      ment, we have concluded that, despite larger com-  mance ensure compliance, and facilitate reporting
                      panies’ advantage of scale, which often translates   have great potential to improve efficiency and safety
                      into increased financial resources and economies   in the maritime industry. These platforms have the
                      of scale, success in fleet optimisation is not solely   potential to streamline operations, improve data
                      determined by company size.                    accuracy, and promote real-time decision-making.
                      Larger companies can invest in advanced technolo-  However, the efficiency and safety of interoperability
                      gies and initiatives to improve efficiency and reduce   depend on various factors, including data integrity,
                      their environmental impact. However, smaller com-  cybersecurity measures, regulatory compliance, and
                      panies can also optimise their fleets effectively by   industry standards.
                      focusing on specific markets, making quick deci-  Efficiency in interoperability is achieved when digital
                      sions, and promoting innovation. With sustainability   platforms seamlessly exchange data and informa-

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