P. 214
the importance of implementing robust cyber-
security measures. Encryption, access controls,
and continuous monitoring are essential to mit-
igating cybersecurity risks and protecting the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data
shared between platforms.
Furthermore, regulatory compliance is integral
to ensuring the safety and legality of interoper-
able digital platforms. Adherence to regulatory
standards, such as the IMO’s guidelines on data
exchange and cybersecurity for ships, ensures
that digital platforms meet stringent safety and
It’s important to remember compliance requirements. Compliance with
that AI lacks human critical these frameworks enhances the platforms’
thinking skills, which are reliability and trustworthiness.
vital in shipping. While AI
can enhance operations, human What, in your view, is the future of connectivity and
supervision remains crucial for telecommunications in the shipping industry?
safety and effective decision- The future of connectivity and telecommunica-
making. tion in the shipping industry is set to undergo
significant transformation. Existing technol-
ogies like High Throughput Satellites (HTS),
such as Inmarsat’s Fleet Xpress, are already
revolutionising onboard connectivity by pro-
viding high-speed broadband services to ships
globally. Additionally, Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
Constellations like SpaceX’s Starlink and One-
Web are offering low-latency connectivity, facil-
itating applications such as video conferencing
and remote monitoring of vessel performance.
These advancements ensure seamless commu-
nication even in remote oceanic areas, enhanc-
tion across different systems and stakehold- ing safety and operational efficiency.
ers. By enabling integrated workflows and data Moreover, the implementation of 5G technology
sharing, interoperable platforms can reduce the onboard ships will further propel maritime con-
duplication of efforts, enhance communication nectivity forward, enabling gigabit speeds and
between onboard and onshore personnel, and near-zero latency. This enables applications like
facilitate faster decision-making processes. augmented reality to diagnose engine anoma-
Moreover, interoperability allows for the aggre- lies and optimise loading sequences in smart
gation of data from multiple sources, providing ports, unlocking new levels of efficiency and
a comprehensive view of vessel performance innovation within the industry.
and compliance status. Internet of Things (IoT) devices play a cru-
Safety is crucial in ensuring the reliability of cial role in monitoring ship performance and
interoperable digital platforms. Accurate and ensuring safety. By providing real-time data on
reliable data is essential for safe operations, as factors like corrosion and stress; these devices
decisions based on incorrect information can enable predictive maintenance algorithms to
jeopardise vessel safety and environmental schedule repairs proactively, transforming ships
protection. Therefore, robust data validation into smart, data-driven vessels and enhancing
and quality assurance processes are essential operational reliability.
to verify the accuracy and reliability of the data Blockchain technology is also poised to rev-
exchanged between digital platforms. olutionise maritime transactions by offering
Cybersecurity measures play a crucial role transparency and security, safeguarding against
in safeguarding the interoperability of digital fraud, and ensuring compliance. By securely
platforms against potential cyber threats and documenting transactions and verifying sus-
unauthorised access. Interconnected systems tainability certifications, blockchain technol-
and data exchanges increase the attack surface ogy fosters trust and accountability across the
and vulnerability to cyberattacks, highlighting supply chain.