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Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), as well as EU’s operational efficiency, cost reduction, and
‘Fit to 55 Strategy’ (FuelEu Initiative), demon- environmental responsibility. As previously
strates a proactive approach to environmental mentioned, when companies invest strate-
compliance and sustainability. Collaborative gically in new technologies and sustainable
partnerships such as active participation in practices to improve fleet performance, they
the World Maritime Forum’s Getting to Zero can become more flexible in operations, use
Coalition and adherence to principles such less fuel, and emit fewer GHGs. This helps
as the Poseidon Principles demonstrate the them boost profits and stay competitive in
determination of industry stakeholders to the market.
drive innovation and accelerate the shift to a
carbon-neutral future. What technologies is your company implementing
It is crucial that everyone in the company to optimise its fleet? How challenging is it to inte-
understands and fully commits to these grate the latest technological developments with
objectives. Setting up effective communi- the human element?
cation channels helps convey these goals to Seanergy Maritime is at the forefront of fleet
onboard personnel, encouraging a culture of optimisation, leveraging cutting-edge tech-
shared responsibility and dedication to achiev- nologies to enhance operational efficiency
ing efficiency and sustainability. Additionally, and sustainability. One of our award-winning
continuously improving procedures and fos- practices is the proactive implementation of
tering cooperation across all organisational AI sensors installed onboard vessels, contin-
levels are essential to achieving these goals. uously collecting vessel data, which are trans-
mitted to the cloud in real time and allow for
What is the primary driver for fleet optimisation minute-by-minute monitoring of onboard
investments? operations. Seanergy collaborates with spe-
Staying relevant, competitive, and sustaina- cialised firms that use advanced analytics to
ble in a changing global market is the primary get useful insights from the data.
driver for fleet optimisation investments in the Moreover, Seanergy has pioneered innovative
shipping industry. Shipowners are increasingly approaches to ship reporting, engaging suc-
recognising the interconnectedness between cessfully with its crew members in the pro-