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and optimisation strategies to both crew to provide insights into optimising
and shore-based personnel. operations, maintenance, and energy
use. Other data analysis tools involve
What is the primary driver for fleet optimisation advanced weather routing software,
investments? which can optimise voyage planning
The challenge for shipping companies and fuel consumption. At the same time,
lies in improving all aspects of their real-time systems monitoring machin-
operational efficiency, namely, at sea ery and hull conditions can enable pre-
and ashore, as well as the workflow dictive maintenance and operational
aboard ships and in offices, training, efficiency.
motivation, proactiveness, etc. The integration of these technologies
However, the upgraded infrastructure with the human element is crucial but
of information technology can empower can be challenging. However, further
the digitalisation of shipping operations. consideration, continuous monitoring,
and a closed-loop process are essential
What technologies is your company implement- during the initial stages of new technol-
ing to optimise its fleet? How challenging is it to ogy implementation.
integrate the latest technological developments
with the human element? Do you believe that larger companies have an
Our company assesses and analyses advantage in implementing fleet optimisation
certain technologies, focusing on data strategies?
acquisition and analytics systems. Reli- Efforts to optimise the efficiency of a
able data acquisition is the most criti- company’s operations are always a mat-
cal parameter for further investment in ter of concern. This challenge becomes
data analytics, enabling the adoption of greater for larger companies, and man-
advanced technologies such as AI and agement must carefully consider the
machine learning. These tools can be new IT environment and its potential
used to analyse vast amounts of data role.
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