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                                                How can shipping capitalise on AI? Are there any specific applications par-
                                                ticularly relevant to fleet optimisation?
                                                       Undoubtedly, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning techniques
                                                       have been widely used in other industries for many years but have
                                                       only recently been introduced to shipping.
                                                       AI can revolutionise fleet optimisation through predictive analytics,
                                                       automated decision-making, and enhancing operational efficiency.
                                                       Specific applications include, among others, predictive maintenance,
                                                       route optimisation, and automated energy efficiency management.
                   Focusing on the              How efficient and safe is the interoperability of the new digital platforms for
                   human element is             monitoring ship performance, ensuring compliance, and facilitating report-
                imperative; companies           ing?
                must provide training                  AI models and techniques are like a black box. Output information is
                    on the use of                      highly dependent on input data and information quality and reliability.
                   new technologies                    The interoperability of new digital platforms for monitoring ship
                   and optimisation                    performance is critical for ensuring compliance, facilitating report-
                 strategies to both                    ing, and enhancing safety. Therefore, ensuring these platforms are
                crew and shore-based                   robust, secure, and user-friendly is paramount for their efficiency
                      personnel.                       and effectiveness.

                                                What, in your view, is the future of connectivity and telecommunications in
                                                the shipping industry?
                                                       The future likely holds enhanced satellite connectivity, enabling
                                                       real-time data exchange between ships and shore-based operations,
                                                       improved crew welfare through better internet access, and the inte-
                                                       gration of IoT devices. The latter will facilitate comprehensive mon-
                                                       itoring and the management of ship operations and maintenance.
                                                       Our company is proactively staying on top of the latest connectivity
                                                       and telecom technologies.

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