P. 217
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This cooperation aims to optimise the in our ESG commitments, is inherent to
vessel’s trade route through advanced our efforts to improve our fleet’s CII rating
sea routing software and sophisticated and ensure optimum efficiency and a low
leg analysis methodologies, which con- carbon footprint so that Danaos remains
stitute cutting-edge digital tools, such as the preferred choice within the industry.
our WAVES data analytics platform. Apart
from speed optimisation, factors like the What technologies is your company implement-
proper performance evaluation of vessel ing to optimise its fleet? How challenging is it to
trimming and hull cleaning intervals are integrate the latest technological developments
critical parameters in the process. with the human element?
Looking to the long-term future, Danaos
What is the primary driver for fleet optimisation has adopted a strategy of divesting from
investments? older technology vessels and acquiring
Our main drivers are our ESG commit- new ones with advanced environmental
ments relating to our decarbonisation features. The company has set stand-
strategy articulated in our Low Carbon ards for newbuildings, prioritising vessels
Transition Plan (LCTP), together with our with ECO designs, methanol-ready capa-
mission to keep a competitive edge as the bilities, and cold ironing plants. Danaos
preferred tonnage providers for our cli- already has fourteen green newbuildings
ents. Danaos’ policies aiming to achieve under construction, scheduled for deliv-
our environmental goals are articulated in ery between 2024 and 2027. All fourteen
the LCTP in a transparent and structured of our newbuildings constructed in Korea
way. The LCTP addresses the IMO targets and China will be methanol-ready, while
complying with the International Energy two of them will also hold an ammo-
Agency’s Sustainable Development Sce- nia-ready notation.
nario (IEA SDS), which strives to meet the Retrofitting our existing fleet to enable
stricter Paris Agreement 1.5º C goal. the use of alternative fuels is also an
Our decarbonisation strategy, as reflected option we are investigating and prepar-