P. 162
Streamlining Spare Parts Management
Efficient spare parts management involves stra-
tegic planning and coordination. A few owners
prepare lists of critical parts to be supplied
prior to the delivery of the ships. At the same
time, grouping orders of maintenance parts per
ship, certain period, or specific machinery can
optimise the procurement process. Expensive
parts with long delivery times, such as propel-
lers, heavy castings, etc., can be stored ashore
until needed. Ordering critical parts for a series
of ships and keeping them in a depository may
Efficient spare parts management involves also be considered.
strategic planning and coordination.
Grouping orders of maintenance parts Upgrades
per ship, certain period, or specific If engine room watches are necessary due to
machinery can optimise the procurement equipment failure, there is a strong possibility
process. that the engine crew will not be sufficient to
operate the ship as per the MLC requirements
for a prolonged period of time.
Replacing or upgrading ship equipment at an early
stage may sound peculiar; nevertheless, it may be
considered advisable, especially in cases where
the new equipment, being more efficient and
user-friendly, would provide remote troubleshoot-
ing functionality, better monitoring standards,
and other benefits. A good example of this is the
replacement of magnetron radars with solid-state
radars, given that the performance of magnetrons
is unpredictable, and they would generally need
is a crucial aspect of the contract, is only 12 replacement in less than two years.
months (or 24 for LNG ships). This relatively Based on current hardware developments, I
short period can be problematic for the buy- believe replacements/upgrades can offer advan-
ers, as standard warranties do not make provi- tages, but they should be discussed with ven-
sions for the supply of spare parts beyond the dors at an early stage. The same applies to part
equipment’s lifetime. In good buyers’ market replacements or repairs on land, which should
periods, a few of the contracts I have seen also be discussed with vendors or specialised
include clauses stipulating that the builders workshops.
are only responsible for providing guaranteed
after-sales service and spare parts for the Maintaining Stocks
equipment for a maximum period of 10 years Knowing what spare parts are in stock on board
from delivery. is of utmost importance. Maintaining a proper
Post-contract, builders usually propose one inventory may save money and time when it
vendor. Buyers may negotiate with other ven- comes to the immediate repair of faulty machin-
dors for their preferred alternatives, albeit with ery and equipment and the delivery of critical
potential additional costs, if a different vendor parts from the vendors. I have recently heard of
than the one recommended is selected. Fur- delivery times approaching one year for cryogenic
ther negotiations can yield benefits such as the equipment. No spare part onboard should be con-
elimination of price differences between the sumed without being entered in the ship's PMS
yard-proposed vendor and the one chosen by and without reporting the remaining onboard
the buyer, as well as cash, extended warranties, (ROB) parts. Parts that may be reconditioned
a spare parts credit line, free training, equip- ashore should also be logged. Most available
ment upgrades, discounted prices after the PMS/Procurement software can be utilised to cre-
delivery of the ship, and other benefits. Very ate requisitions and update spare parts invento-
few vendors are willing to provide tariffs for ries. The use of barcoding systems should also be
the equipment parts that the vessel will need considered. If the reporting from ships is inaccu-
after the delivery. rate, the inventories will also soon be inaccurate.