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in 2022 and 2023 to proceed with a revision of   of safety-critical spare parts of crucial impor-
                               its recommendations. Despite the incorporation   tance and that it should be part of a techni-
                               of risk assessment methodologies in the IACS   cal manager’s risk assessment plan designed
                               URs in 2023, the status of the recommendations   to identify potential exposure to hazards and
                               remains unchanged as they are still nothing more   to reduce operational risks related to Health,
                               than recommendations.                     Safety, Security, and the Environment (HSSE).
                               Recent updates to the IACS URs oblige equip-  In the paper mentioned above, the OCIMF pro-
                               ment suppliers to participate with classification   vides guidance on the challenges that may be
                               societies in a risk assessment or an FMEA or sim-  encountered when considering safety-critical
                               ilar assessment and provide a list of critical parts   spare parts.
                               that should be available onboard prior to the
                               delivery of ships. When reading the generic list   Type Approvals and Critical Parts Inclusion
                               of parts included in the IACS UR no 26, one will   The Type Approval Certification procedure plays
                               see that new part categories, such as parts for   a crucial role in ensuring the quality and reliabil-
                               the auxiliary blowers and the control, alarm, and   ity of maritime equipment. I believe that when
                               monitoring systems, have now been included.   a piece of equipment is type-approved by the
                               If one looks at item 16 of the table listing the   Class, a list of critical parts should be included
                               “Typical minimum recommended spare parts for   in the Type Approval document. This is now
                               conventionally fueled main internal combustion   accepted by the IACS URs.
                               engines of ships for unrestricted service” of the
                               IACS Rec. 1990/Rev. 2 2023, one will see that   Pre-Contract and Post-Contract Negotiations
                               control, alarm, and safety system manufacturers   As already mentioned, pre-contract negotiations
                               are now required to supply critical parts, but my   often involve selecting vendors and agreeing
                               MARTECMA colleagues have so far overlooked   on the provision of equipment, including spare
                               this.                                     parts guarantees. A list of two to three vendors is
                               As stated in its “Safety Critical Equipment and   proposed for a number of items (usually around
                               Spare Parts Guidance” (2018), the OCIMF also   50) and is signed by the builders and the buyers.
                               considers safety-critical equipment and the use   The standard warranty for delivered ships, which

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