P. 132
When being prepared for loading, all vehicles
will undergo another physical safety inspection
to ensure that they can be safely driven and do
not present a fire risk. Maintaining a fire watch
at all times, particularly if fire detection systems
have been disabled during loading, is critical
to ensure potential issues are identified at an
early stage. In the event of any of these signs
being apparent, emergency actions, as speci-
fied in individual procedures, should be taken.
Fire/smoke detection systems and ventilation
systems should be operated in accordance with
individual company procedures. A pre-loading
meeting should be held between all relevant par-
ties to confirm arrangements and discuss the
loading plan. Once in the final stowage position,
all vehicles must have the ignition system turned
off, keys removed, parking brake set, and trans-
mission placed in park or for manual vehicles
left in gear. Hybrid and electric vehicles should
undergo an additional check to confirm that the
ignition is off.
It is recommended that vehicles should undergo
temperature monitoring during loading and once
in the final stowage position. Used light Internal
Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles should have
their battery disconnected and isolated, and this
should be documented. Once stowed, high or
heavy units will have the battery kill/isolation
cell enters an uncontrollable, self-heating state) switch activated. Any vehicles or equipment with
occur. moving parts should be confirmed as locked
A percentage of 30-40% is considered to be down and be suitably secured for sea conditions.
the best balance between ensuring the vehicle All vehicles must be secured in accordance with
has sufficient power for manoeuvring during the vessel’s CSM and lashing plan.
transportation and safety. Some OEMs typi-
cally require higher states of charge to protect During the Voyage
the vehicle’s systems. In the event of thermal All vehicles should be regularly inspected
runaway, batteries with a lower state of charge throughout the course of the voyage to ensure
may release significant quantities of highly toxic, that all lashings are secure, that monitoring
flammable, potentially explosive, and corrosive equipment is available, that no vehicle is show-
gases. Batteries with a high state of charge can ing any increased temperature, and that no
produce flame jets, in addition to the gases, in fluid leaks have developed. Where leaks are
the event of thermal runaway. When the battery noted, these should be contained and cleaned
of an electric vehicle is in thermal runaway, the up promptly. On electric and hybrid vehicles,
gases will vent with loud popping or screaming these leaks may be electrolytes from the battery
noises followed by black and white clouds of packs, which are highly toxic and should only be
what appears to be smoke. cleaned up with appropriate PPE. Fire/smoke
detection systems for vehicle decks should be
Presentation at the Terminal fully operational throughout the voyage. All but
On arrival at the terminal, all vehicles should essential work should be avoided. Essential work
undergo a safety inspection to ensure that they should only be conducted after the activity has
do not pose any undue risk to personnel, other been risk-assessed. Any situation that poten-
vehicles, the carrying vessel, or the environment. tially increases the risk of an incident should
The safety inspection will confirm that the vehi- be reported to the owners and operators as a
cles can be safely loaded, that fire risks are min- matter of urgency in accordance with individual
imised, and that the vehicles can be safely and company procedures.
effectively stowed and secured on board.