P. 129


                                           by Capt. George Georgoulis

            nian forces at 50 nautical miles north-east of Fujairah,   history, it has delivered trade in the face of the most
            United Arab Emirates, at 06.37 UTC on Saturday, 13   overwhelming threats and circumstances. Given the
            April, has once again highlighted the intolerable sit-  continually evolving and severe threat profile within
            uation where shipping has become a target. This is   the area, we call on you for enhanced coordinated
            unacceptable. We have seen a worrying increase in the   military presence, missions, and patrols in the region
            attacks on shipping. Shipping is not a target with no   to protect our seafarers against any further possi-
            victims. Innocent seafarers have been killed, and sea-  ble aggression. The industry associations ask that
            farers are being held hostage. This would be unaccept-  all member states be formally reminded of their
            able on land, and it is unacceptable at sea. The world   responsibilities under international law. And we ask
            would be outraged if four airliners were seized and   that all efforts possible are brought to bear to release
            held hostage with innocent souls onboard. Regret-  the seafarers and protect the safe transit of ships”.
            tably, there does not seem to be the same response   According to the open letter from the shipping indus-
            or concern for the four commercial vessels and their   try, two main demands are presented. The first is the
            crews being held hostage. Seafarers kept the world fed   immediate release of the ship and its crew through
            and warm during the pandemic with vital medicine,   the mediation of the United Nations, and the second
            food, and fuel delivered, irrespective of politics. Sea-  is the support of shipping with an increase in military
            farers and the maritime sector are neutral and must   forces in such an important maritime area so as to
            not be politicised. Protecting seafarers is a moral   discourage merchant ship seizure incidents and con-
            duty. Shipping is a resilient industry; throughout   sequently the security of maritime trade.

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